Aparat bezpieczeństwa, ?tarcza i miecz partii?, był jednym z najważniejszych elementów systemu komunistycznego. To dzięki niemu totalitarna dyktatura przetrwała tak wiele lat. Komunistyczny aparat bez...
Guan Zhaoye is Professor at the School of Architecture and Planning, Tsinghua University, Beijing and Chairman of the Committee on Architectural Theory and Creation, Institute of Chinese Architects, a...
Ladder diagram (LAD) and function block diagram (FBD) are the graphic-oriented programming languages in the programming software STEP 7. Now in its fourth edition, this book introduces in the latest v...
Kuzańczyk jest myślicielem niezwykle istotnym, a jego twórczość stanowi pomost pomiędzy epoką kończącego się średniowiecza a rozpoczynającym się humanizmem. Najważniejsze tendencje bliskie humanizmowi...
High School Musical 3. Wspomnienia z East High
Lugiowie, Hariowie czy Manimowie, zaludniający Germanię Tacyta, a teraz także karty powieści Andrzeja Przychodniego, nie ustępują egzotyką mieszkańcom światów, którymi karmią naszą wyobraźnię autorzy ...
Interaktywna książka zawierająca naklejki.
Pinyin spellings for Chinese words are recognizable and valuable to even beginning students.Expanded coverage of Korea and Vietnam deepens students' knowledge of the histories of these two influential...
This text by Terence Wise explores some of the fascinating peoples who comprised the ancient armies of the Middle East: the Sumerians, who were the first to introduce the use of bronze into warfare, a...
Extracted from laboratory manuals published by Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, this guide contains reference data and information on a variety of laboratory techniques.
Almost three million copies of The Blue Bloods series in print, Melissa de la Cruz has now written her first paranormal romance for adults, on sale June 21st. The first in the Beauchamp Series, the bo...
On the border between West and East, a Jewish man with a passion for the Arab world. Tom Reiss first came across Nussimbaum when he went to the ex-USSR to research Russia of the origins of our ideas a...
A collection of the inadvertent gems from children. With this book you can forget the constraints of the English language listen to your youngers - how else would you find out that when hot steam touc...
In this irreverent travellers tale, two twenty-something trouble magnets wreak havoc across South-east Asia as they struggle to escape the backpacker trail. From an encounter with a Xena-obsessed hote...
Spanning more than 4,000 years, from the Early Bronze Age to 325 B.C.E., this Encyclopedia provides an overview of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran/Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and more. This 4-vol. set is f...
Spanning more than 4,000 years, from the Early Bronze Age to 325 B.C.E., this Encyclopedia provides an overview of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran/Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and more. This 4-vol. set is f...
The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the mid-800s B.C. 14 (34) Language Families of the Ancient Near East 48 (25) Price of Goods During the Old Babylonian Empire 73 (21) Mesopotamia 94 (65) Staff of th...
This is the first edition of the Network Troubleshooting Lab Companion for students in the CCNP 4 Network Troubleshooting Cisco Networking Academy Program course. The book is specifically designed to ...
Work at the biology bench requires an ever-increasing knowledge of mathematical methods and formulae. In "Lab Math", Dany Spencer Adams has compiled the most common mathematical concepts and methods i...
It's action-packed adventure for kids with this new line of books based on "Samurai Jack," Cartoon Network's latest hit show. In the distant past, an evil shape-shifter named Aku has brought destructi...
This new edition extends, complements, and comments upon the original containing thousands of biographies of mathematicians and natural scientists from all countries and from all historical periods. I...
A rich collection of primary materials, the multivolume Archives of Empire provides a documentary history of nineteenth-century British imperialism. Barbara Harlow and Mia Carter have carefully select...