
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lasner diabetes", znaleziono 8

Herbal Therapy For Diabetes v 1
I. Ali Khan

From time immemorial, man has been interested in trying to control diseases. The history of medicine, thus contributes review of the evolution of man and human knowledge during the 20th century and ma...

Diabetes Typ 2
Diabetes Typ 2
B. Willms

Gut leben und kĂśstlich essen mit Diabetes: 256 gut bĂźrgerliche Rezepte ¿ fĂźr Diabetiker! Sie lieben die traditionelle KĂźche? Pikante Fleischgerichte, deftige EintĂśpfe, schmackhafte Kartoffelgeric...

Type 2 Diabetes
3 wydania
Type 2 Diabetes
Anthony Barnett

Well-known and highly respected diabetes authority Ronald A. Codario, MD, details for busy primary care practitioners the state of the art in diagnosing and managing diabetes, as well as in reducing p...

Type 2 Diabetes in Practice
Type 2 Diabetes in Practice
Andrew J. Krentz, Clifford J. Bailey

This title is recommended to all those involved in the management of type 2 diabetes: hospital diabetes specialist physicians, primary care physicians and all members of the diabetes care team such as...

Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
S. Levene

In the 21st Century, the management of type 2 diabetes has become even more important both in the primary health care setting and in the government's health policy. With the publication of the "Nation...

Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes
Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes
J. Hawley

This title provides students, scientists and health care clinicians with state-of-the-art information on the role of physical activity in alleviating insulin resistance. This book discusses the emerge...

Gut Leben mit Diabetes Typ 2
Gut Leben mit Diabetes Typ 2
Arthur Teuscher

Mit Eigeninitiative zu einem aktiven Alltag So hilft Ihnen Wissen zu mehr Lebensqualität Mit einem gut ausbalancierten Blutzucker genießen Sie Ihr Leben auch mit Diabetes in vollen Zügen. Dieser neue ...

Nutraceuticals Glycemic Health and Type 2 Diabetes
Nutraceuticals Glycemic Health and Type 2 Diabetes
V. Pasupuleti

Type 2 diabetes is a growing problem for the developed and developing countries and it is a burden on healthcare systems as well as individuals. "Nutraceuticals, Glycemic Health and Type 2 Diabetes" p...

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