"CIMA Exam Practice Kits" consolidate learning by providing an extensive bank of practice questions. Each solution provides an in depth analysis of the correct answer and highlights why the alternativ...
CIMA Official Learning Systems contain detailed coverage of the syllabus including many worked examples and revision questions-an invaluable resource suitable for use both in the classroom and also fo...
This new edition of the "CIMA's Official Learning" is published in conjuction with the Examiner. The "Learning System" has been written specifically for the certificate syllabus by former CIMA examine...
Supplementing the Official CIMA Learning Systems and Revision Cards the CIMA Exam Practice Kits consolidate learning by providing an extensive bank of practice questions. Each solution provides an in ...
CIMA EXAM PRACTICE KITS ARE THE ONLY PRACTICE MATERIALS ENDORSED BY CIMA Fully updated for the new 2010 syllabus examinations, the CIMA Official Exam Practice Kit contains a bank of questions to help ...
CIMA's Exam Practice Kits contain a wealth of practice exam questions and answers, focusing purely on applying what has been learned to pass the exam. Fully updated to meet the demands of the new 2010...