
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lego duffy", znaleziono 93

Integrated Molecular Medicine for Neuronal and Neoplastic Di
Integrated Molecular Medicine for Neuronal and Neoplastic Di
G. Sobue

Neurodegenerative disorders and malignant tumors are usually resistant to any treatment, and the mortality rate is very high for persons with these conditions. Accordingly, finding effective treatment...

Di Fiore's Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
Di Fiore's Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
Victor Eroschenko

This atlass distinctive, full-color, schematic illustrations have earned lasting renown for superb explanation of basic histology concepts. This edition includes 120 newly improved illustrations; an a...

BACE Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer's Di
BACE Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer's Di

BACE (β-site of APP cleaving enzyme) is a critical component in Alzheimer's Disease (AD), and the development of BACE inhibitors shows great potential as a therapy for the disease. BACE: Lead Target f...

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