The true importance of signage and wayfinding systems only becomes evidentwhen they do notwork. This book presents the unsung heroes of functional graphic design.When trying to get through masses of p...
PL: Najobszerniejsza praca zbiorowa(124 autorów, 116 tekstów), poświęcona wschodnim ziemiom dawnej Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1772- 1999. Autorzy książki, reprezentujący różne szkoły pojmowania przeszł...
Even though Madame Gothel has kept Rapunzel locked up in the tower, Rapunzel has been using her long locks to climb out to attend Princess School. But now Madame Gothel has discovered her secret, and ...
APRIL NIGHTINGALE wants the best for her swans, Gerald and Daphne, which is why she won’t rest until they mate for life. It would have happened by now if not for Gerald’s absurd penchant for the neig...