Niedaleka przyszłość. Po konflikcie nuklearnym rządy nad światem przejmuje sztuczna inteligencja. Tworzy pozornie idylliczne metropolie, w których ludzie i androidy kilku generacji koegzystują w p...
Wyobraź sobie, że po hucznej imprezie w Las Vegas, na potężnym kacu, budzisz się obok gorącego, wytatuowanego mężczyzny, a na palcu dostrzegasz pierścionek z wielkim diamentem. Tak właśnie czuła się E...
You know me. I am Meredith Gentry, princess and heir apparent to the throne in the realm of Faerie; one-time private investigator in the mortal world. To be crowned queen, I must continue the royal bl...
Self-proclaimed ‘fat git` Mark still doesn’t know why he suddenly said yes when his mate asked him to go for a run. Three years later, Mark is completing ultramarathons. Follow him as he makes every ...
As a storm brewed, I gambled the most valuable possession I had: my heart. There was a reason I was handcuffed to the bed, chocolate syrup smeared over my body. Dario Capece was getting married, and i...
A Chupacabra sits down next to a giraffe shifter at the UPAC conference and ends up mated. It sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, but it’s a nightmare for Leo, a giraffe shifter. His new mate is ...
I am Meredith Gentry, princess and heir apparent to the throne in the realm of faerie, onetime private investigator in the mortal world. To be crowned queen, I must first continue the royal bloodline ...
Rick and Morty™: Pocket Like You Stole It is the fan-favorite comic book miniseries based on the popular Adult Swim™ television series and inspired by the Pocket Mortys mobile game. Morty is on a qu...
The sequel to the cult classic The Dice Man, this book can also change your life! Larry Rhinehart is the son of an infamous father -- the renegade psychiatrist Luke Rhinehart, otherwise known as the D...