
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "life dwork", znaleziono 19

Birger Malene

Known for a style that is both refined and accessible, Malene Birgerexpands the focus of her design empire from clothing to equally exquisiteliving spaces. This stunning volume embodies her knack for ...

Marian Smoluchowski : his life and scientific work
Marian Smoluchowski : his life and scientific work
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Mark Kac, Roman Smoluchowski, Marian Smoluchowski

"Fate cut off earl his beneficent activities as researcher and teacher; let us, however, uphold his example and his works!" Albert Einstein

Renata Tomaszewska-Lipiec

WORK- PERSONAL LIFE. BETWEEN HARMONY AND DISINTEGRATION is a multidisciplinary monograph concerning the problematic of the relations between the two main areas of an adult person’s functioning, i.e. p...

Work-life balance. Jak osiągnąć równowagę w pracy i w życiu
Work-life balance. Jak osiągnąć równowagę w pracy i w życiu
Beata Rzepka

Życie pod kontrolą życiowa równowaga stresu wypalenia zawodowego

Work- life balance. Jak znaleźć równowagę w duchu kaizen
Work- life balance. Jak znaleźć równowagę w duchu kaizen
Aneta Wątor

Kaizen, co na polski moglibyśmy przetłumaczyć jako dobrą zmianę, jest wywodzącą się z Japonii praktyką ciągłego doskonalenia. Jej założenia można streścić w jednym zdaniu - regularnie, konsekwentnie w...

The gospel of Łagiewniki : life and work of saint Sister Faustina
The gospel of Łagiewniki : life and work of saint Sister Faustina
Adam Bujak

Cztery kilometry na południe od centrum Krakowa znajdują się Łagiewniki, gdzie mieści się Sanktuarium Miłosierdzia Bożego. Początkowo Łagiewniki były własnością rycerską, od połowy XV wieku należały d...

Work Life Integration
Work Life Integration
S. Lewis

Developments in IT and communication technology, coupled with the global 24 hour market, have led to boundaries between work and personal life becoming ever more blurred, while work/life policies and ...

Work-life Balance
Work-life Balance

What are the effects of conflict between home and work?Does work stress affect those who live with you? In the rapidly changing modern work environment, time pressures seem ever increasing and new tec...

Cass Gilbert Life & Work
Cass Gilbert Life & Work
Barbara Christen

Gilbert (1859-1934) was a believer in the benefits that architecture could bestow on the environment and culture of American life; as a leading exemplar of the City Beautiful movement he helped shape ...

Work-Life City Limits
Work-Life City Limits
Helen Jarvis

This book demonstrates how local contexts of urbanization and cultures of work are intimately meshed together. Each chapter explores a discrete dimension of the way people organize their working lives...

Myth of Work-Life Balance
Myth of Work-Life Balance
R. Gambles

Many regard the ways in which paid work can be combined or s lives and the way work actually gets done. As well as exploring contemporary problems, this book attempts to seed hope and new ways of thin...

Life & Work of Harold Pinter
Life & Work of Harold Pinter
M. Billington

A biography of the playwright Harold Pinter and a study of his work as writer, actor and director. His political beliefs are viewed from the perspective of his life, which he began as an only child in...

Life and Work of Gunter Grass
Life and Work of Gunter Grass
Julian Preece

This study traces the career of the most widely read and influential German novelist in the second half of the 20th century. It shows in particular how his experiences as a teenage Nazi shaped his thi...

John Henry Newman His Life & Work
John Henry Newman His Life & Work
Brian Martin

Cardinal Newman (1801-1890) was one of the most eminent and controversial figures of the 19th century. His conversion to the Church of Rome sparked off one of the bitterest and most divisive controver...

Managing the Work-Life Balance in Construction
Managing the Work-Life Balance in Construction
H. Lingard

Work in the construction industry is particularly tough. It demands excessively long hours and frequent weekend work. Other characteristics are particularly marked, such as re-location, job insecurity...

Personal Development for Life and Work 10e
Personal Development for Life and Work 10e
Ann Masters, Harold R. Wallace

You'll need more than just a great college grade point average to succeed in the workforce. Soft skills, critical thinking skills, and a strong work ethic are all necessary to achieve success in both...

Phil May His Life & Work 1864-1903
Phil May His Life & Work 1864-1903
S. Houfe

'Phil May was the funniest man in England, and its best draftsman. He drew Londoners in a way unsurpassed in elegance and with profound and hilarious understanding.' Al Capp, US cartoonist ('Li'l Abne...

Passion at Work How to Find Work You Love & Live
Passion at Work How to Find Work You Love & Live
M. Albion

If you are feeling like you have been settling for a mere job or payslip - STOP! You can work your passions and find your Life's Work! Regardless of where you are in your career, this book offers you ...

Re-Scripting Walt Whitman An Introduction to His Life & Work
Re-Scripting Walt Whitman An Introduction to His Life & Work
Ed Folsom

This introductory guide to Walt Whitman weaves together the writer's life with an examination of his works. · An innovative introductory guide to Walt Whitman. · Weaves together the writer's life with...

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