Ekskluzywna edycja oprawiona w delikatną gładką tkaninę o właściwościach jedwabiu. Szkarłatna litera to jedna z najważniejszych powieści literatury amerykańskiej, opowiadająca o życiu w purytańskie...
EN Metastatic Disease in the Liver - Current Therapeutic Approaches offers a whole range of modern strategies for managing secondary liver malignancies. From diagnosis to non-operative strateg...
Alcohol has been man's favourite beverage for thousands of years, and liver damage due to alcohol has become one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Western world today. Ethanol an...
This single volume, easy to read text features world experts who provide detailed descriptions of the disease states and complications arising from liver failure as well as the complications that foll...
Volume 2: Bend in the Road is the second volume of the 28 Days Later comic series, containing Issue 5 to 8. It contains the arc of the comic series focusing upon Clint and Selena's search for treatmen...
Health in the Later Years is geared to help people make better-informed health choices to increase the quality of their later life. Further, knowledge of health and aging assists individuals to better...
Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver is a practical source of information to understand the diseases of the liver, with particular emphasis on the histopathology of those diseases. The book offers clear...
Primary carcinomas of the liver are increasing in incidence in the developed world, probably due to dietary and environmental factors as well as the known role of infective agents such as Hepatitis C....
Whilst French romances of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries have long enjoyed a privileged place in the literary history of France, romances from the later middle ages have been largely neglected b...
Hepatology is a rapidly changing specialty. Leading experts discuss such current topics as autoimmune hepatitis, HIV and the liver, noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis, living donor liver transpl...
This 2-volume reference, edited by a panel of experts and featuring contributions by many leading authorities, comprehensively covers the cutting edge of research, teaching, and practice in surgery of...
An excellent up-to-date comprehensive and practical text book dealing with all aspects of paediatric hepatobiliary disease. It will be useful to both generalists and specialists as it is clinically fo...
This one-of-a-kind reference provides a comprehensive and practical guide to help you interpret endoscopic biopsies and resection specimens of all organs related to the digestive system. Plus, thanks ...