Gruntownie przygotowana biografia. Wykorzystując scenariusze, notatki robocze oraz przebogatą kolekcję rekwizytów i kostiumów De Niro znajdującą się na Uniwersytecie Teksańskim w Austin Levy, kreśli ...
Nagrodzona prestiżową nagrodą literacką IMPAC 2008 poruszająca opowieść o przyjaźni i zdradzie. Bassam i George dorastają w ogarniętym wojną domową Bejrucie. Piekło rzeczywistości zmusza ich do dokona...
You talkin' to me? Visual biographies of cinema's greatest stars Most moviegoers associate actor Robert De Niro with adjectives like"intense," "violent," "streetwise," and "brooding." It is an image t...
Osobiste albumy to bogate zbiory fotografii, ukazujące artystów w świetlanych latach ich kariery, jak również prywatnie.
En 1884, lorsqu'il publie les Contes, Maupassant est devenu un homme riche et un auteur comblĂŠ. Mais il n'a rien perdu de l'agressivitĂŠ qui lui faisait naguere ĂŠcrire a Flaubert : ' Je trouve que 9...
Prowokująca książka, która rozgniewa i rozbawi zarówno kontrkulturowych buntowników, jak i ich przeciwników z prawicy. Przenikliwe i dowcipne oskarżenie trendów konsumenckich autorstwa dwóch kanadyjs...
Robert De Niro is considered by many to be the greatest screen actor of our time: film portrayals like the young Vito Corleone in "The Godfather II, Travis Bickle in "Taxi Driver, and Jake La Motta in...
Is Richard E. Grant's "Withnail" a far superior screen drunk to Jimmy Stewart in "Harvey"? What is the cinema's most tragic farewell, its most ingenious plot-twist, its most shocking murder? And why d...
Describes the repo instrument, its mechanics, and its operation with examples from the 2007-8 liquidity crisis.
From Molokai's tent cabins to Waikiki's high-rise hotels, this guide covers every Hawaiian Island, large or small. You'll discover the best spots to swim, surf, snorkel and hike, and when you're ready...
Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF GREECE Greece + Greek phrasebook + World Food Greece Let's get philosophical. As Socrates said, "Let him that would move the world first move himself." Move yourself to...
Whether you're escaping to the island paradise of your dreams or exploring the evocative remains of ancient civilisations, all the information you need is here at your fingertips. 120 easy-to-read map...
Explore smoking craters and lava landscapes, wander through lush rain forests and wildlife sanctuaries, scale dizzying peaks and spectacular sea cliffs - Lonely Planet guides you to the best hiking on...
From awe-inspiring pyramids and exquisite Islamic monuments to bustling bazaars and beguiling belly dancers, this lively guide will show you the heart and soul of Cairo. 27 maps, including 9 full-colo...
Whether you're a first-time snorkeler or an experienced diver, you'll find underwater adventure in the Hawaiian Islands. Swim with schools of tropical fish in easy-to-access bays and explore intriguin...
Istanbul to Cairo is a classic overland route offering an extraordinary range of travel experiences in six of the Middle East's most fascinating countries. With over 75 maps this brand new budget-trav...
Illustrations, cutaway diagrams, and step-by-step guides recreate the excitement of discovery in this fascinating history of the men and women behind the world's biggest technological developments.
This guide features a special section on volcanoes, plus the best-of outdoor activities such as swimming, surfing and hiking, as well as coverage of the Hilo and Kona coasts and where to lounge with t...
The second edition of this classic book delivers the most up to date and comprehensive text available on computational fluid dynamics for engineers and mathematicians. Already renowned for its range a...
Revised and updated for its Third Edition, "Aunt Minnie's Atlas" is an excellent study tool for the oral radiology board examination. It features over 900 images and over 250 cases representing "Aunt ...