Powrót bohaterów bestsellera Hurt/Comfort! Tym razem w odsłonie graficznej. Magda, najlepsza przyjaciółka Artura, dowiaduje się, że nowa żona jej taty jest w ciąży. I chociaż życie w oku cyklonu i ...
A revised third edition of this bestselling textbook. It contains a unique blend of text, colour photographs, imaging and diagrams describing the gross systematic and topographical anatomy of domestic...
Prezentowaną książkę tworzą artykuły napisane przez badaczy z Gruzji, Mołdawii i Polski. Jej celem jest przedstawienie powiązań pomiędzy aktywnością Rosji na arenie międzynarodowej a polityką zagranic...
"Jak być domową boginią" to kultowa książka Nigelli Lawson, która sprzedała się na świecie w blisko milionie egzemplarzy. Jest to książka o czystej przyjemności pieczenia, a nie po prostu książka z pr...
Kiedy igram z moją kotką, któż wie, czy ona bardziej nie bawi się mną niż ja nią? Michel de Montaigne Na przestrzeni dziejów – w zasadzie już od neolitu – kot wywierał nieposkromiony wpływ na sp...
Kultowa ksiązka, która pomogła tysiącom par. Czy namiętność po latach związku jest możliwa? Dlaczego po pewnym czasie stygnie, choć ludzie wciąż się kochają? Dlaczego przyjście na świat dziecka t...
Przełomowa praca na temat traumy i jej terapii. To bez wątpienia najważniejsza książka Judith L. Herman, która zrewolucjonizowała podejście do traumy oraz leczenia ofiar przemocy. Autorka proponuj...
Co minutę dwadzieścia osób w Stanach Zjednoczonych doświadcza przemocy ze strony swoich partnerów. Przemoc ta jest drugą główną przyczyną zgonów Afroamerykanek, trzecią główną przyczyną zgonów repr...
Judith Lewis Herman omawia powstawanie długotrwałego urazu psychicznego oraz jego psychologiczne i medyczne konsekwencje. Wykazuje, że pozornie tak odległe doświadczenia, jak przeżycia wojenne, prz...
Eavan Boland's new collection turns to the domestic interiors in which the dramas of women's lives are played out: seductions and quarrels, anger and grief, the care of children. In her attentiveness ...
Ducks are kept for profit in a great diversity of circumstances in both temperate and tropical climates. Outlining the biology of the domestic duck, this book also combines the authors' considerable p...
This book has for many years been the standard guide to the practical aspects of domestic electrical wiring. It explains step-by-step what needs to be done so that work can be carried out safely and c...
Markets for capital, products and managerial talent are expanding rapidly across national borders, yet domestic laws and practices have never had greater impact on corporate structures and cross-borde...
Domestication of vertebrates is based on the understanding of the needs of animals in their natural environment. Thus, the success of this domestication throughout human history is largely dependant o...
Research into children and domestic violence in recent years has emphasized the importance of giving positive support to a non-abusive parent for effective child protection. But what exactly does posi...
Modern farm environments are profoundly different from the natural habitats of the ancestors of today's farm animals, and through genetic selection, the appearance and behaviour of the animals themsel...
The 6th edition of a well-known and much used standard text in the field. This book covers all aspects of the biochemical abnormalities caused by various diseases and how they relate to the biochemica...
This new third edition provides the reader with a greater understanding of the purpose of animal systems and their function, resulting in a valuable introductory text for pre-veterinary or veterinary ...
This title strikes a fine balance between theory, evidence and policy in the area of domestic resource mobilization and explores the crucial role that financial development should play.It contains an ...
Calling on their extensive and award-winning experience teaching undergraduate anatomy and physiology, authors Akers and Denbow have constructed a foundation textbook that delivers immense appeal and ...
In order to understand and manage animals in their natural or captive environments we must first understand why animals do what they do and recognize limitations in their ability to adapt to different...
Functional Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals, Fourth Edition, provides a thorough grounding in the structure and function of animal body systems. Taking an integrated approach to the basics o...
The author argues that the way the British Government managed dissent during World War I is important for understanding the way that the war ended. He argues that, from humble beginings in 1914, a com...
"The Gas Service Technology" series is a one stop resource for up-to-date information on all aspects of installation and servicing of domestic and industrial gas equipment. This set offers all three v...
The 5th edition of "Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmers Pathology of Domestic Animals" continues the long tradition of this classic set of volumes as the most comprehensive reference book published on the topi...
Restraint and Handling of Wild and Domestic Animals, Third Edition offers an introduction to the basic principles of animal restraint and an overview of techniques for vertebrate wild and domestic ani...
The 5th edition of "Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmers Pathology of Domestic Animals" continues the long tradition of this classic set of volumes as the most comprehensive reference book published on the topi...
The 5th edition of "Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmers Pathology of Domestic Animals" continues the long tradition of this classic set of volumes as the most comprehensive reference book published on the topi...
This is really interesting and compelling book. Abrahams' writing style is readable and engaging and is interspersed with reference to research and powerfully, the words of women who have experienced...