Zarządzanie pakietem Adobe Creative Suite 2 w jednej książce Adobe Creative Suite 2 to wszechstronny pakiet popularnych narzędzi graficznych. Dostępne w nim aplikacje umożliwiają wykonanie grafiki...
War veteran Samantha's quiet life in the Nevada desert is turned upside down when a UFO crashes into her junkyard. Now with the assistance of her gorilla companion Mike, Sam tries to protect the litt...
A motorcycle accident, bone cancer, a speeding truck crashing into a boy on a stolen bicycle--tragic, life-changing events turn the worlds of three young men upside down. Three very different personal...
A motorcycle accident, bone cancer, a speeding truck crashing into a boy on a stolen bicycle--tragic, life-changing events turn the worlds of three young men upside down. Three very different personal...
A motorcycle accident, bone cancer, a speeding truck crashing into a boy on a stolen bicycle--tragic, life-changing events turn the worlds of three young men upside down. Three very different personal...
A motorcycle accident, bone cancer, a speeding truck crashing into a boy on a stolen bicycle--tragic, life-changing events turn the worlds of three young men upside down. Three very different personal...
Tomomi Nomiya is a young tough whose life goes horribly awry after he gets in an accident and causes a young woman to lose the use of her legs. After months of tormented soul searching, he sets his mi...
Drama, tragedy and fast breaks...on wheels. Life goes on... Get Real. Real men, real basketball, real manga. R to L (Japanese Style). Takahashi has an awkward reunion with his father, who has been abs...
With the Tokyo regionals coming up, Kiyoharu Togawa is at a crossroads. Should he stay with the Tigers just when they are starting to come together as a team, or should he go to the Dreams, where the ...
Drama, tragedy and fast breaks...on wheels. Life goes on... Get Real. Real men, real basketball, real manga. While Togawa and the Tigers are finally gelling and coming together as a team, Nomiya finds...
While Nomiya has finally found that one thing in his life, the goal that he knows he will truly strive to achieve, Takahashi takes another step forward in his journey of recovery from out the depths o...
In the 1990s shareholder value was applied to all aspects of corporate strategy and management decisions as a result of intense competition, globalization, advances in technology, deregulation and the...
Collecting one comics' most legendary characters as envisioned by one its most influential creators, and featuring some of Batman's most memorable stories of all time. Neal Adams is the man responsibl...
The extra-sized final volume collecting Neal Adams' acclaimed covers and stories featuring the Dark Knight This volume includes material from BATMAN #232, #234, #237, #243-245 and #251, featuring Two-...
The release of QuarkXPress 7 is an important milestone for anyone who chose to remain a Quark user. Upgrading to version 7 is a recommitment to QuarkXPress, and version 7 make sure everyone feels grea...
Wiele osób, pomimo długotrwałej i intensywnej nauki, nie czuje się swobodnie w anglojęzycznym świecie. Seria Cambridge English Skills została przygotowana dla tych uczniów, którzy potrzebują pomocy w ...
Insider Secrets to Better Ventures and Bigger Returns in Commercial Real Estate If you're ready to move beyond basic buy-and-hold or fix-and-flip investing, Confessions of a Real Estate Entrepreneur i...
Anyone who relies on the Creative Suite to meet tough production challenges knows that when a new version arrives' especially one as chockfull of enhancements as CS2-there's no time to fool around. Yo...
With lease options and subject-to deals, investors can control properties worth much more than what they could normally afford to purchase. The potential for profit is great and the costs of getting s...
A four-level skills series for adults and young adults Learners can develop the skills they need to use English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social...
Now in Paperback!Since color is such a important part of graphic design, designers need the most up to date as well as the most fundamental, information on the subject to have the tools needed to use ...