
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mimo chadha", znaleziono 4

Visions of Nature
Visions of Nature
H. Chadha

When photographer Hersh Chadha looks through his camera's lens, he sees the world as only he can - one man's vision, brimming with life and vigor, full of contradictions yet forming a harmonious whole...

Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowieści na 40-lecie Powrotu Jedi
Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowieści na 40-lecie Powrotu Jedi
Saladin Ahmed, Charlie Jane Anders, Tom Angleberger, K. Arsenault Rivera ...
Cykl: Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia, tom 3
Serie: Kanon Star Wars [Olesiejuk], Star Wars Powieści

(Wydanie I, Wydawnictwo Olesiejuk, Ożarów Mazowiecki, 2025) "Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowieści na 40-lecie Powrotu Jedi" - to antologia opowiadań stworzona z okazji 40 lat od premie...

Gender Conflict & Migration
2 wydania
Gender Conflict & Migration
B. Chadha

Gender, Conflict and Migration takes up the crucial issue of the gendered character of conflict-driven migration. The contributors highlight the importance of taking gender seriously in migration rese...

Policy Driven Mobile Ad hoc Network Management
Policy Driven Mobile Ad hoc Network Management
Ritu Chadha

This book discusses the management challenges associated with ad hoc networks, and provides an in-depth description of how policy-based network management can be used for increasing automation in the ...

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