
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mining dama w", znaleziono 34

Web Data Mining
Web Data Mining
B. Liu

Web mining aims to discover useful information and knowledge from the Web hyperlink structure, page contents, and usage data. Although Web mining uses many conventional data mining techniques, it is n...

Life Science Data Mining
Life Science Data Mining
S. Wong

This timely book identifies and highlights the latest data mining paradigms to analyze, combine, integrate, model and simulate vast amounts of heterogeneous multi-modal, multi-scale data for emerging ...

Data Mining in Crystallography
Data Mining in Crystallography
D. Hofmann

An Introduction to Data Mining.- Data Bases, the Basis for Data Mining.- Data Mining and Inorganic Crystallography.- Data Mining in Organic Crystallography.- Data Mining for Protein Secondary Structur...

Classification Clustering & Data Mining Applications
Classification Clustering & Data Mining Applications
David L. Banks, Frederick R. McMorris, Phipps Arabie, Wolfgang Gaul

Modern data analysis stands at the interface of statistics, computer science, and discrete mathematics. This volume describes new methods in this area, with special emphasis on classification and clus...

Data Mining in Structural Biology
Data Mining in Structural Biology
I. Schlichting

This work combines biochemical studies, structural biology investigations and small molecule design within some of the protein classes that play major roles in signal transduction: the protein kinases...

Quality Measures in Data Mining
Quality Measures in Data Mining
F. Guillet

Data mining analyzes large amounts of data to discover knowledge relevant to decision making. Typically, numerous pieces of knowledge are extracted by a data mining system and presented to a human use...

Lecture Notes in Data Mining
Lecture Notes in Data Mining
M. Berry

The continual explosion of information technology and the need for better data collection and management methods has made data mining an even more relevant topic of study. Books on data mining tend to...

New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining
New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining
S. Chawla

This book constitutes the proceedings of the PAKDD Workshops 2008, namely ALSIP 2008, DMDRM 2008, and IDM 2008. The workshops were held in conjunction with the PAKDD conference in Osaka, Japan, during...

Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining i
Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining i
E. Marchiori

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, EvoBIO 2007, held in Valencia, Spain in A...

Data Mining : zastosowania w analizach i ocenach klientów bankowych
Data Mining : zastosowania w analizach i ocenach klientów bankowych
Mirosława Lasek

Pod pojęciem Data Mining rozumie się metody statystyczne i metody sztucznej inteligencji, które umożliwiaja znajdywanie nieznanych jeszcze zależności między danymi w nagromadzonych zbiorach danych. Są...

Evolutionary Computation Machine Learning and Data Mining
Evolutionary Computation Machine Learning and Data Mining
C. Pizzuti

his book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, EvoBIO 2009, held in Tbingen, Germany, in ...

Metody Data Mining w analizowaniu i prognozowaniu kondycji ekonomicznej przedsiębiorstw
Metody Data Mining w analizowaniu i prognozowaniu kondycji ekonomicznej przedsiębiorstw
Mirosława Lasek

Prezentowana praca przedstawia zastosowanie metod Data Mining do analizy i prognozowania kondycji ekonomicznej (finansowej i majątkowej) przedsiębiorstw. Metody Data Mining nie są jeszcze zbyt popular...

Data Mining. Eksploracja danych w sieciach społecznościowych, wydanie 3
Data Mining. Eksploracja danych w sieciach społecznościowych, wydanie 3
Matthew A. Russell, Mikhail Klassen

To trzecie, zaktualizowane wydanie popularnego podręcznika dla osób, które chcą zająć się wydobywaniem danych z sieci społecznościowych. Uwzględniono tu zmiany interfejsów API wprowadzone do poszczegó...

Data Mining
3 wydania
Data Mining
T. Lin, S. Chakrabarti

This book brings all of the elements of data mining together in a single volume, saving the reader the time and expense of making multiple purchases. It consolidates both introductory and advanced top...

Java Data Mining
Java Data Mining
M. Hornick

Whether you are a software developer, systems architect, data analyst, or business analyst, if you want to take advantage of data mining in the development of advanced analytic applications, Java Data...

Introduction to Data Mining
Introduction to Data Mining
Pang Ning Tan

Introduction to Data Mining presents fundamental concepts and algorithms for those learning data mining for the first time. Each concept is explored thoroughly and supported with numerous examples. Th...

Mining Imperfect Data
Mining Imperfect Data
K. Pearson

This book thoroughly discusses the varying problems that occur in data mining, including their sources, consequences, detection, and treatment. Specific strategies for data pretreatment and analytical...

Mining Graph Data
Mining Graph Data

Mining Graph Data illustrates how data mining techniques, through the application of algorithms and graphs, have been responding to the need for the collection and storage of larger and more complex v...

Introduction to Business Data Mining
Introduction to Business Data Mining
David L. Olson

Introduction to Business Data Mining was developed to introduce students, as opposed to professional practitioners or engineering students, to the fundamental concepts of data mining. Most importantly...

Data Mining the Web
Data Mining the Web
Zdravko Markov

This book introduces the reader to methods of data mining on the web, including uncovering patterns in web content (classification, clustering, language processing), structure (graphs, hubs, metrics),...

Data Mining 2 e
Data Mining 2 e
Jiawei Han

Our ability to generate and collect data has been increasing rapidly. Not only are all of our business, scientific, and government transactions now computerized, but the widespread use of digital came...

Business Modeling & Data Mining
Business Modeling & Data Mining
Dorian Pyle

This new book provides practical guidance on how to identify and structure real-world business questions in terms that can be answered by quantitative models and data mining. It also addresses what pr...

Data Mining Methods and Models
Data Mining Methods and Models
Daniel T. Larose

Apply powerful Data Mining Methods and Models to Leverage your Data for Actionable Results Data Mining Methods and Models provides: The latest techniques for uncovering hidden nuggets of information T...

Data Mining for Business Intelligence
Data Mining for Business Intelligence
Galit Shmueli

This book provides both a theoretical and practical understanding of the key methods of classification, prediction, reduction and exploration that are at the heart of data mining. In addition, it pres...

Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Hongbo Du

This concise and approachable introduction to data mining selects a mixture of data mining techniques originating from statistics, machine learning and databases, and presents them in an algorithmic a...

Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS
Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS
M. Refaat

Are you a data mining analyst, who spends up to 80% of your time assuring data quality, then preparing that data for developing and deploying predictive models? And do you find lots of literature on d...

Managing Data Mining Advice From Experts
Managing Data Mining Advice From Experts
S. Kudyba

Managing Data Mining: Advice from Experts is a collection of leading business applications in the data mining and multivariate modeling spectrum provided by experts in the field at leading US corporat...

Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner
Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner
Randall Matignon

Data Mining Using SAS(r) Enterprise Miner introduces the reader to a wide variety of data mining techniques in SAS(r) Enterprise Miner. This first-of-a-kind book explains the purpose of -- and reasoni...

Data Mining in Grid Computing Environments
Data Mining in Grid Computing Environments
W. Dubitzky

Modern organisations are increasingly relying on computerised information processes and infrastructures but as the underlying systems evolve and become progressively more sophisticated, their users an...

Data Mining for Business Intelligence + Making Sense of Data
Data Mining for Business Intelligence + Making Sense of Data
G. Shmueli

Learn how to develop models for classification, prediction, and customer segmentation with the help of Data Mining for Business Intelligence In today's world, businesses are becoming more capable of a...

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