
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mnie during", znaleziono 28

Feeding During Late Infancy & Early Childhood Impact
Feeding During Late Infancy & Early Childhood Impact
O. Hernell

This book focuses on a crucial moment in human life: the introduction of solid foods to the diet during late infancy and early childhood. The impact on health and development as well as the long-term ...

Małopolska w II Rzeczypospolitej Małopolska during the II Polish Republic
Małopolska w II Rzeczypospolitej Małopolska during the II Polish Republic

Małopolska w II Rzeczypospolitej, Małopolska during the II Polish Republic.

A statistical analysis of the North Korean overseas laborers in Poland during the period 2000-2017. Current Status and Prospects
A statistical analysis of the North Korean overseas laborers in Poland during the period 2000-2017. Current Status and Prospects
Levi Nicolas

Pierwsza i jedyna jak dotąd pozycja poruszająca tematykę pracowników północnokoreańskich w Polsce. Autor zamieścił w niej liczne niepublikowane materiały i zdjęcia, odnosząc się do trudno dostępnych d...

Zielony kocur diabła
2 wydania
Zielony kocur diabła
Lucius Shepard
Seria: Kameleon

David Mingolla jest jednym z nafaszerowanych narkotykami poborowych walczących w zatęchłych dżunglach Gwatemali, pionkiem w nie kończącej się amoralnej wojnie. W środku tego piekła spotyka Deborę - ta...

Von During Monika

Let's get physicalFrom the eccentric Museo La Specola in Florence comesthis amazing collection of waxworks depicting the human anatomy in all itsdazzling complexity. The 27 wax bodies and 1500 part an...

Pomiędzy. Niezapomniane spotkania u kresu życia
Pomiędzy. Niezapomniane spotkania u kresu życia
Hadley Vlahos

Wielu ludzi nie chce przyjąć do wiadomości, że śmierć czeka każdego. Uświadomienie sobie, że przeminiemy, i my, i nasi bliscy, bywa trudnym i emocjonalnie wyczerpującym doświadczeniem. Raczej odpycha...

Chorzy u władzy. Sekrety przywódców politycznych ostatnich stu lat
Chorzy u władzy. Sekrety przywódców politycznych ostatnich stu lat
David Owen

Owen opowiada o tym, jak choroby wpływają na ludzi władzy i podejmowane przez nich decyzje. Opisuje choroby trapiące rządzących w chwili obejmowania władzy i nabyte w trakcie jej sprawowania, zwraca t...

Twoje okno tolerancji. Okiełznaj stres i zregeneruj się po urazach psychicznych
Twoje okno tolerancji. Okiełznaj stres i zregeneruj się po urazach psychicznych
Elizabeth Stanley

Ciało i umysł człowieka zostały ukształtowane w świecie, który wyglądał zupełnie inaczej niż dziś. Mechanizmy, które wtedy ułatwiały przetrwanie, dziś wydają się przeszkadzać. Świadczy o tym niepokoj...

Awareness During Anaesthesia
Awareness During Anaesthesia
Mohamed M. Ghoneim

Dr. Ghoneim and a team of international leaders in anesthesiology and psychology present the most current and scientifically valid information available to explain the causes and consequences of consc...

Drugs During Pregnancy & Lactation
Drugs During Pregnancy & Lactation
Christof Schaefer

Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment, 2e is the only book of its kind to provide conclusive information on treatments for diseases during pregnancy and lactation...

Materials Processing during Casting
Materials Processing during Casting
Hasse Fredriksson

Casting is one of the most important processes in materials technology. In this unique book, each step in the casting and solidification process is described and models are set up, which in many cases...

Pattern Formation During Development
Pattern Formation During Development

The architecture of an embryo results from complex molecular interactions in time and space. The secrets of these processes are yielding quickly to genetic and cellular dissection in flies, mice and o...

Shaping Up During & After Pregnancy
Shaping Up During & After Pregnancy
Stavia Blunt, Stavia Blunt

For many women the wonderful experience of pregnancy and childbirth can be overshadowed by the the fear of losing their figures. Dr Stavia Blunt, mother of two young children, demonstrates that it is ...

Asphaltenes Chemical Transformation During Hydroprocessing
Asphaltenes Chemical Transformation During Hydroprocessing
J. Ancheyta

During the upgrading of heavy petroleum, asphaltene is the most problematic impurity since it is the main cause of catalyst deactivation and sediments formation. Exploring many aspects related to asph...

Inequality & Social Structure During the Transition
Inequality & Social Structure During the Transition
Vladimir Mikhalev

This unique collection studies and compares emerging social structures in transitional societies and discusses the life of the large majority of workers (farmers and state-sector employees as well as ...

Polish-Jewish Relations During Second World War
Polish-Jewish Relations During Second World War
Emanuel Ringelblum

Polish-Jewish Relations during the Second World War is one of the most important documents produced during the period of the Holocaust. Composed of the reflections and observations of Emmanuel Ringelb...

Human Brain During the Late First Trimester
Human Brain During the Late First Trimester
Joseph Altman

Presents a unique view of the entire range of structural developmentIdentifies structures previously unknown in humans using H-thymidine autoradiographyIncludes photographs of the entire brain and spi...

Europe & America During the Cold War IISS
Europe & America During the Cold War IISS

Complete set Since 1961 the Adelphi Papers have provided some of the most informed accounts of international and strategic relations. Produced by the world renowned International Institute of Strategi...

Human Brain During the Early First Trimester
Human Brain During the Early First Trimester
Shirley A. Bayer, Joseph Altman

This is the fifth volume in the "Atlas of Human Central Nervous System Development" series. Like all books in this series, "The Human Brain During the Early First Trimester" provides a user-friendly s...

Conscience & Courage Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust
Conscience & Courage Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust
E. Fogelman

In this brilliantly researched and insightfulhelp?

Roosevelt and Franco during the Second World War
Roosevelt and Franco during the Second World War
J. Thomas

This is a thorough, objective and insightful treatment of a complex relationship that constitutes a major contribution to the diplomatic history of World War II. It will become the standard account

Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before & During Holocaust 3 vols
Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before & During Holocaust 3 vols
S. Spector

The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust reclaims the distinctive culture of thousands of Jewish communities lost during the Holocaust. It chronicles the people, habits and cust...

Massacre in Jedwabne July 10 1941 Before, During, After
Massacre in Jedwabne July 10 1941 Before, During, After
Marek Jan Chodakiewicz

On July 10, 1941, the Jewish inhabitants in the small Polish town of Jedwabne were massacred by German policemen and some Polish townsmen and peasants. Chodakiewicz provides us with a criminal investi...

Climate Environment & Society in the Pacific during the Last
Climate Environment & Society in the Pacific during the Last
P. Nunn

The nature of global change in the Pacific Basin is poorly known compared to other parts of the world. "Climate, Environment, and Society in the Pacific during the Last Millennium" describes the clima...

Art Nouveau during the Reign of the Last Tsars
Art Nouveau during the Reign of the Last Tsars
Tamara Rappé

Art Nouveau during the Reign of the Last Tsars accompanies the Hermitage Museum's exhibition in Amsterdam of the vast collection of Art Nouveau objects bestowed on the Russian court as diplomatic gift...

During the War and Other Encounters - The Autobiography of Buster Merryfield
During the War and Other Encounters - The Autobiography of Buster Merryfield
Buster Merryfield

Buster Merryfield became a household name as Uncle Albert from the long running BBC television series 'Only Fools and Horses'. Uncle Alberts famous catchphrase 'During The War...' is relevant to Buste...

The Shields of the Empire: Eastern Roman Military Elites during the Reigns of the Emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I
The Shields of the Empire: Eastern Roman Military Elites during the Reigns of the Emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I
Łukasz Pigoński
Seria: Byzantina Lodziensia

When the emperor Valentinian III murdered the general Flavius Aetius, it has been observed that he had ‘cut his right hand with his left’, and the story of the fall of the ‘last Roman’ has been put i...

Cultural Studies Reader
Cultural Studies Reader
S. During

The first edition of The Cultural Studies Reader established itself as a leading textbook in the field, providing the ideal introduction for students to this exciting and influential discipline. This ...

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