Dieta 8-godzinna pozwoli Ci schudnąć szybko, zdrowo i bezpiecznie. Dzięki niej stracisz na wadze nawet do 2,5 kg tygodniowo – nie ograniczając przy tym spożycia kalorii ani nie rezygnując ze swoich ul...
David S. Moore updates his best-selling liberal arts statistics text while maintaining the emphasis on applications to a wide range of fields, from public policy to the sciences. The streamlined Fourt...
David S. Moore's liberal arts statistics text reveals the applications of statistics to a wide range of fields, from public policy to the sciences. The fifth edition introduces new technology and peda...
The Practice of Business Statistics with CD Rom immerses students in the course immediately, involving them in practical, statistics-supported business decision making from the outset. Using real data...
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics