
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "mor cara", znaleziono 33

Hospital Care For Children
Hospital Care For Children

This pocket book contains up-to-date clinical guidelines, based on available published evidence by subject experts, for both inpatient and outpatient care in small hospitals where basic laboratory fac...

Moc rytuałów. Przewodnik po świecie self-care
Moc rytuałów. Przewodnik po świecie self-care
Emma Loewe, Lindsay Kellner

WYRUSZ W PODRÓŻ DO ŚWIATA SAMODBANIA Usiądź wygodnie, rozluźnij się i weź głęboki oddech. Podaruj sobie chwilę wytchnienia. Poczuj siebie i otaczający cię świat – przed tobą wyjątkowa podróż do świa...

Genetic Algorithms for Applied CAD Problems
V. Kureichik

The development of intellectual systems connecting the human brain and computer technologies represents one of the most important problems of the 21st century. Therefore analytical methods of data min...

Carbon. The Future Material for Advanced Technology
Carbon. The Future Material for Advanced Technology

Carbon-based materials and their applications constitute a burgeoning topic of scientific research among scientists and engineers drawn to the field from diverse areas such as applied physics, materia...

Essential Environmental Health Standards for Health Care
Essential Environmental Health Standards for Health Care
John Adams, Jamie Bartram, Yves Chartier

Health care associated infections affect between 5% and 30% of patients. The associated burden of disease is extremely high and is a significant drain on health-sector resources and households. Ensur...

Kikus English Mini picture card worksheets for vocabulary building
Kikus English Mini picture card worksheets for vocabulary building

English Mini picture card worksheets for vocabulary building.

Cała naprzód! : uwolnij moc wizji swojej firmy i swojego życia
Cała naprzód! : uwolnij moc wizji swojej firmy i swojego życia
Ken Blanchard

Wreszcie! Krystalicznie czyste wyjaśnienie, czyni jest wizja i jak ją stworzyć! Najjaśniejsza, najbardziej przekonująca deklaracja, jaką kiedykolwiek czytałem, która nadaje wizji znaczenie i sprawia, ...

Cała naprzód! Uwolnij moc wizji swojej firmy i swojego życia
2 wydania
Cała naprzód! Uwolnij moc wizji swojej firmy i swojego życia
Jesse Stoner, Ken Blanchard

Książka Cała naprzód! jest wciągającym, inspirującym opowiadaniem o dwojgu ludzi, którzy potrafili stworzyć wizję swojego miejsca pracy i swojego życia. Jim Carpenter, prezes średniej wielkości agencj...

Carbon Materials for Catalysis
Carbon Materials for Catalysis
P. Serp

Carbon Materials for Catalysis is the first comprehensive book covering all aspects of the use of carbonaceous materials in heterogeneous catalysis. This includes the preparation and characterization ...

Design for Critical Care
Design for Critical Care

It is now widely recognized that the physical environment has an impact on the physiology, psychology, and sociology of those who experience it. When designing a critical care unit, the demands on the...

Cable, Vol. 2: Waiting for the End of the World
Cable, Vol. 2: Waiting for the End of the World
Duane Swierczynski, Michael Lacombe
Cykl: Cable Vol 2, tom 2

Meanwhile, back in the present . . . In the aftermath of the "Messiah Complex" war, Cyclops took a leap of faith and allowed his son Cable to disappear into the time stream with the first new mutant b...

Foot Care for Diabetes Chart
Foot Care for Diabetes Chart
F. Netter

Patients are taught to inspect their feet every day and illustrations depict what to conditions to look for that can affect the diabetic foot. Ulcers are described and the importance of preventing inf...

Differential Diagnosis for Primary Care
Differential Diagnosis for Primary Care
Jennifer R. Jamison

Intended for use chiefly by non-medically qualified practitioners, particularly those working in the field of manual therapy, the book provides a clear guide through the minefield of signs and symptom...

Stroke Essentials for Primary Care
Stroke Essentials for Primary Care
D. Alway

Stroke Essentials for Primary Care: A Practical Guide is a must-have resource, offering the essential, practical knowledge required to evaluate and treat stroke patients. While an indispensable guide ...

Acute Care Handbook For Physical Therapists
Acute Care Handbook For Physical Therapists
Jaime C Paz

This handy reference provides essential information for physical therapists providing patient care in the hospital setting. This is the only book written by physical therapists that addresses all of t...

Statistical Methods for Health Care Research
Statistical Methods for Health Care Research
B. Munro

Focusing on the statistical methods most frequently used in the health care literature and featuring numerous charts, graphs, and up-to-date examples from the literature, this text provides a thorough...

Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure
Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure
P. Currance

The need for hazardous materials emergency response has grown with the increased use of chemicals and the threat of terrorism. Designed to serve as both a field guide and an educational training refer...

Exercise Physiology for Health Care Professionals
Exercise Physiology for Health Care Professionals
J. Cerny

A guide to applying general exercise physiology concepts in clinical settings. Both authors draw from more than 40 years of combined experience teaching physical therapists and other health care profe...

Pharmacology for the Health Care Professions
Pharmacology for the Health Care Professions
C. Thorp

Pharmacology for the Health Care Professions" is an accessible introduction to the pharmacology necessary for health care professionals training to be non-medical prescribers looking for an overview o...

Radiology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Radiology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Richard Hopkins

The advent of small, affordable ultrasound machines and the widespread use of PACS systems have made imaging more accessible to anaesthetists and intensivists than ever before. This concise, highly il...

Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure 3e
Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure 3e
P. Currance

The need for hazardous materials emergency response has grown with the increased use of chemicals and the threat of terrorism. Designed to serve as both a field guide and an educational training refer...

Radiography and Radiology for Dental Care Professionals
Radiography and Radiology for Dental Care Professionals
E. Whaites

The second edition of this successful textbook offers support for learners and continues to provide a significant reference text suitable for all Dental Care Professionals. Offering a clear, easy-to-f...

Evidence-Based Diagnostic Testing for Emergency Care
Evidence-Based Diagnostic Testing for Emergency Care
J. Pines

This useful handbook provides a concise compilation of the evidence supporting diagnostic testing and clinical decision rules in emergency care. Clinical decision rules are now widely recognised as be...

Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems
Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems
F. Beguin

As carbons are widely used in energy storage and conversion systems, there is a rapidly growing need for an updated book that describes their physical, chemical, and electrochemical properties. Edited...

Holistic Care for Birds Manual of Wellness & Healing
Holistic Care for Birds Manual of Wellness & Healing
Pamela Leis Higdon

Birds are ideal subjects for holistic care. They are especially sensitive to emotional and physical stresses. Based on what we have learned from wild birds and studies completed in the last 10-20 year...

Medical Care for Children & Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Medical Care for Children & Adults with Developmental Disabilities
I. Leslie Rubin, Allen C. Crocker

This completely revised and updated second edition of a definitive medical volume - trusted by clinicians for more than fifteen years - is the only resource with in-depth information on clinical care ...

Ear Nose & Thorat Disorders for Primary Care Providers
Ear Nose & Thorat Disorders for Primary Care Providers
Gayle E. Woodson

This comprehensive text serves as a practical aid to primary care physicians in managing clinical problems of the ears and upper aerodigestive tract. Introductory chapters review pertinent anatomy and...

One Hundred Ways for a Cat to Train Its Human
One Hundred Ways for a Cat to Train Its Human
Celia Haddon

One Hundred Ways for a Cat to Train Its Human

Health Behaviour Change A Guide for Health Care Professiona
Health Behaviour Change A Guide for Health Care Professiona
Stephen Rollnick

The book offers a description and demonstration of a method for changing health behaviours based on brief negotiation with clients. It is written in a very stimulating style, engaging the reader from ...

Smart Card Applications: Design Models for Using and Program
Smart Card Applications: Design Models for Using and Program
Wolfgang Rankl

A practical guide to the specification, design, and programming of smart card systems for working applications. More than 3 billion smartcards are produced every year. Generally defined as any pocket-...

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