
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "packet mi w", znaleziono 6

Packet Tracer 6 dla kursów CISCO Tom 5
Packet Tracer 6 dla kursów CISCO Tom 5
Jerzy Kluczewski

Książka Packet Tracer 6 dla kursów CISCO Tom 5 ? Zaawansowane technologie sieciowe, jak i pozostałe książki z tej serii, dedykowana jest osobom chcącym nauczyć się projektować i tworzyć sieci komputer...

Packet Tracer 6 dla kursów CISCO. Tom 4
Packet Tracer 6 dla kursów CISCO. Tom 4
Jerzy Kluczewski, Robert Wszelaki

Książka Packet Tracer 6 dla kursów CISCO Tom 4 - Tworzenie plików PKA i praca w trybie Multiuser, napisana została z myślą o instruktorach programu Cisco Networking Academy, jako pomoc w tworzeniu int...

Ethereal Packet Sniffing
Ethereal Packet Sniffing
Angela Orebaugh

This book provides system administrators with all of the information as well as software they need to run Ethereal Protocol Analyzer on their networks. There are currently no other books published on ...

High-Performance Packet Switching Architectures
High-Performance Packet Switching Architectures
M. Hamdi

Internet traffic is increasing by at least 200 per cent per year and the world's largest Internet Service Provider expects traffic on its regional trunks to grow to a 1-10 petabit range over the next ...

SAE and the Evolved Packet Core
SAE and the Evolved Packet Core
Magnus Olsson

* Up-to-date coverage of SAE including the latest standards development * Easily accessible overview of the architecture and concepts defined by SAE * Thorough description of the Evolved Packet Core f...

Queueing Theory with Applications to Packet Telecommunicatio
Queueing Theory with Applications to Packet Telecommunicatio
J. Daigle

Queueing Theory with Applications to Packet Telecommunication is an efficient introduction to fundamental concepts and principles underlying the behavior of queueing systems and its application to the...

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