Kolejny publikowany w serii Dominikańskiego Instytutu Historycznego zbiór studiów zawiera materiały poświęcone siedemnastowiecznym epitafiom i nagrobkom z kościoła Dominikanów pw. św. Jacka na Nowym M...
The Oracle Accused! A shadow moves over Kandrakar, and the Oracle can feel it stirring. When a member of the Congregation questions his recent decisions and his involvement in human affairs, Kandrakar...
The Oracle Accused! The new Oracle's ambition is revealed, and he'll stop at nothing to possess Elyon's power! Don't think for an instant, though, that he has forgotten about the Guardians. Biding his...
The Oracle Accused! Having uncovered the true identity of the new Oracle, W.I.T.C.H. and the former Oracle head to Kandrakar in an effort to free Elyon, return the Crown of Light to its rightful owner...