
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "paik tylko", znaleziono 6

Chopin Utwory na fortepian i orkiestrę 1
Chopin Utwory na fortepian i orkiestrę 1
Paik Kun Woo, Li Yundi

Wszystkie sześć dzieł Chopina na fortepian z orkiestrą to dowody fascynacji stylem brillant. Znakiem czasów i najznakomitsza pożywką dla tego stylu były wariacje oraz fantazje, oparte na popularnych t...

Nanoparticle Engineering for Chemical mechanical Planarizati
Nanoparticle Engineering for Chemical mechanical Planarizati
U. Paik

In the development of next-generation nanoscale devices, higher speed and lower power operation is the name of the game. Increasing reliance on mobile computers, mobile phone, and other electronic dev...

Adaptive Cooling of Integrated Circuits Using Digital Microf
Adaptive Cooling of Integrated Circuits Using Digital Microf
P. Paik

Thanks to increasing power consumption and component density, localized "hot spots" are becoming a serious challenge in IC (integrated circuit) chip design - so serious, in fact, that Intel recently h...

Orthodontic Miniscrew Implants
Orthodontic Miniscrew Implants
C. Paik

A highly illustrated, practical book on temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics, aimed at practising orthodontists.

Ultimate Limit State Design of Steel-Plated Structures
Ultimate Limit State Design of Steel-Plated Structures
Jeom Kee Paik

Steel plated structures are important in a variety of marine and land-based applications, including ships, offshore platforms, power and chemical plants, box girder bridges and box girder cranes. The ...

Sexual Organization of the City
Sexual Organization of the City
Edward Laumann, Yoosik Youm, Anthony Paik, Jenna Mahay ...

Drawing on extensive surveys and interviews with Chicago adults, Edward O. Laumann and his colleagues show that the city is, in the face of pop culture evidence to the contrary, a place where sexual c...

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