
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "pampersy mnie", znaleziono 47

Pampersy, kamera i on : rok z dziennika kobiety sukcesu
3 wydania
Pampersy, kamera i on : rok z dziennika kobiety sukcesu
Diana Appleyard

Carrie Adams, energiczna dziennikarka telewizyjna, wraca do pracy po urlopie macierzyńskim. Nie może się wprost doczekać, kiedy porzuci obowiązki domowe i zmieni się znów w pełnowartościową kobietę ...


A variation on marbled paper is paste paper. In this technique, a layerof starch is applied to blank paper, and paint is added on top of it. Thedesign is produced by manipulating the paint with a brus...

Pase Papers 2008. Vol 1
Pase Papers 2008. Vol 1
Marek Kuźniak

The present volume contains a selection of papers given during the seventeenth conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English hosted by the Institute of English Studies of the Universit...

Pase Papers 2008. Vol 2
Pase Papers 2008. Vol 2
Anna Cichoń

The present volume contains a selection of papers given during the seventeenth conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English hosted by the Institute of English Studies of the Universit...

Limnological Papers Volume 1/2006
Limnological Papers Volume 1/2006

EN: Przemysław Nowacki, Jarosław Kobak: Impact of several artificial diets on the attachment strength of adult zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha); Tomasz Kakareko, Janusz Żbikowski: A tentative asse...

Limnological Papers Volume 2/2008
Limnological Papers Volume 2/2008

Preliminary studies on the fauna of Hirudinea and Mollusca in Lake Lubikowskie Phytoplankton of shallow lakes in the Iławskie Lake District Nitrogen compounds dynamic in the hyporheic zone of small lo...

Limnological Papers Volume 4/2009
Limnological Papers Volume 4/2009

We are pleased to inform you that beginning with this issue Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici - Limnological Papers slightly changed its name and will be continued as Limnological Papers. Journal's...

Adventures in Theoretical Physics Selected Papers
Adventures in Theoretical Physics Selected Papers
Stephen Louis Adler

During the period 1964-1972, Stephen L Adler wrote seminal papers on high energy neutrino processes, current algebras, soft pion theorems, sum rules, and perturbation theory anomalies that helped lay ...

Żurawia Papers 16 Umowy o partnerstwie gospodarczym (EPA)
Żurawia Papers 16 Umowy o partnerstwie gospodarczym (EPA)
Katarzyna Kołodziejczyk

Związki z grupą krajów Afryki, Karaibów i Pacyfiku (AKP) należą do priorytetowych obszarów działań w stosunkach zewnętrznych oraz polityce rozwojowej Unii Europejskiej. Relacje z krajami AKP, w porówn...

Words & Other Wonders Papers on Lexical & Semantic Topics
Words & Other Wonders Papers on Lexical & Semantic Topics
D. Geeraerts

The volume brings together seventeen previously published articles on lexical and semantic topics by one of the most influential authors in cognitive linguistic lexicology. Spanning the period from th...

Żurawia Papers 14 The Art of International Negotiations
Żurawia Papers 14 The Art of International Negotiations
Agnieszka Aleksy-Szucsich

This publication seeks to inform the Polish reader of the newest trends in international negotiations. It contains the speeches presented at a conference organized on December 11th, 2008, by the Insti...

Selected Papers in British and American Literature and Culture
Selected Papers in British and American Literature and Culture

Selected Papers in British and American Literature and Culture to publikacja pokonferencyjna, zawierająca wystąpienia prezentowane na konferencji British and American Literature and Culture w grudniu ...

China Past and Present New Polish Papers in Chinese Studies
China Past and Present New Polish Papers in Chinese Studies

Rozpoczęła się nowa era dla Chin, a wraz z nią nowa potrzeba głębszego zrozumienia tego kraju i jego bogatej spuścizny. Siedemnaście artykułów zawartych w książce, autorstwa jednych z najlepszych pols...

Papers in Languages and Linguistics. Selected Writings Published in English and Polish
Papers in Languages and Linguistics. Selected Writings Published in English and Polish
Jan Cygan

Spis treści: Editor\'s Preface (Bożena Rozwadowska) # Współczesna brytyjska teoria gramatyki # Struktura i system w czasowniku angielskim # O znaczeniach kategorii gramatycznych czasownika angielskieg...

Żurawia Papers zeszyt 12 Polityka zagraniczna Federacji Rosyjskiej w okresie prezydentury Władimira Putina
Żurawia Papers zeszyt 12 Polityka zagraniczna Federacji Rosyjskiej w okresie prezydentury Władimira Putina

Gdy osiem lat temu, 7 maja 2000 roku Władimir Putin objął oficjalnie urząd prezydenta, komentatorzy na całym świecie zastanawiali się, dokąd czterdziestoośmioletni petersburski prawnik, były agent KGB...

Żurawia Papers 11 Debates and Controversies Concerning International Legal Aspects of the Struggle against Terrorism
Żurawia Papers 11 Debates and Controversies Concerning International Legal Aspects of the Struggle against Terrorism

This publication presents debates on the legality of the use of force in Afghanistan and Iraq, international legal aspects of the right to preventive self-defense and "war on terror", including questi...

Private Papers
Private Papers
M. Foster

To Penelope Butler the family was all, the sole ambition of her adult life. Three of her four daughters, however, had different ideas. Rosemary rejected it; Jess was destroyed by it; Celia found it el...

False Papers
False Papers
Robert Melson

Operating under the theory that one needed to be seen in order not to be noticed, the Jewish Mendelsohn family became not just ordinary Polish Catholics, but the Zamojskis, a Polish family of noble li...

Torture Papers
Torture Papers
K. Greenberg

'The Torture Papers may well be the most important and damning set of documents exposing U.S. government lawlessness ever published. Each page tells the story of U.S. leaders consciously willing to ig...

Rachel Papers
Rachel Papers
Martin Amis

Charles Highway, a precociously intelligent and highly sexed teenager, is determined to sleep with an older woman before he turns twenty. Rachel fits the bill perfectly and Charles plans his seduction...

Pentagram Papers
Pentagram Papers
K. Hinrichs

'The kind of book you can go back to time and time again and learn something new each time' - Ampersand The collection of Pentagram Papers is inspiring and demonstrates the continuing invention of thi...

Freuds Technique Papers
Freuds Technique Papers
Steven Ellman

This book incorporates Freuds papers on psychoanalytic method alongside commentary on current perspectives of the material. The papers address the role of transference, dream interpretation, clinical ...

Writing Research Papers
Writing Research Papers
James Lester

The definitive research paper guide for your courses , Writing Research Papers combines a traditional and practical approach to the research process with the latest information on electronic research ...

The Aspern Papers
The Aspern Papers
Henry James

Pani Bordereau przechowuje w swoim domu bezcenny skarb - zbiór listów od amerykańskiego poety miłosnego. Różne postaci chcą od niej odkupić ten zbiór, będący jej pamiątką z czasów młodości.

Collected Papers v 2
Collected Papers v 2
R. Aumann

Robert Aumann's groundbreaking career in game theory has spanned over 35 years. These two volumes provide convenient access to all of his major research--from his doctoral dissertation in 1956 to pape...

Rockets Two Classic Papers
Rockets Two Classic Papers
R. Goddard

This book is comprised of two papers written by Robert Goddard for the Smithsonian Institution: "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" and "Liquid Propellant Rocket Development." Two of the most sig...

Papers in Experimental Economics
Papers in Experimental Economics
Vernon L. Smith

Professor Vernon L. Smith is a major creator of the new discipline of experimental economics. This collection of his papers from 1962 to 1990 surveys key developments in the field from early attempts ...

Privacy Papers Managing Technology
Privacy Papers Managing Technology
R. Herold

FeaturesDescribes technologies that increase the privacy of personal and organizational data and those that make it more vulnerableLists and summarizes major federal and international privacy legislat...

Max Planck: Annalen Papers
Max Planck: Annalen Papers
Dieter Hoffmann

This volume contains a collection of most notable original papers published in the journal 'Annalen der Physik' written by one of its renowned editors, Max Planck. These papers - reedited on the occas...

Collected Papers v 1
Collected Papers v 1
R. Aumann

Robert Aumann's groundbreaking career in game theory has spanned over 35 years. These two volumes provide convenient access to all of his major research--from his doctoral dissertation in 1956 to pape...

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