
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "phase mnie", znaleziono 30

Inhibitor Phase*
Inhibitor Phase*
Alastair Reynolds
Cykl: The Inhibitor Cycle, tom 4
Seria: Przestrzeń objawienia [świat]

Dissipative Phase Transitions
Dissipative Phase Transitions
Pierluigi Colli

Phase transition phenomena arise in a variety of relevant real world situations, such as melting and freezing in a solid?liquid system, evaporation, solid?solid phase transitions in shape memory alloy...

Phase Transformations in Multicomponent Melts
Phase Transformations in Multicomponent Melts
D. Herlach

Bringing together the concerted efforts of the multicomponent materials community in one decisive reference work, this handbook covers all the important aspects from fundamentals to applications: ther...

Crystal-Liquid-Gas Phase Transitions & Thermodynamic
Crystal-Liquid-Gas Phase Transitions & Thermodynamic

This monograph investigates the properties of crystal, liquid and gas phases of substances, and also metastable states. New relations for the thermodynamic similarity for liquid-vapour phase transitio...

Phase Separation in soft Matter Physics
Phase Separation in soft Matter Physics
Poʻlat Habibullayev

This is the first monograph devoted to investigation of the most complex physical processes - phase transitions, critical phenomena and super-molecular organization - of soft systems, including a wide...

Gasdynamic Aspects of Transient Two-Phase Flow
Gasdynamic Aspects of Transient Two-Phase Flow
Herbert Städtke

In this book, the author, a researcher of outstanding experience in this field, summarizes and combines the recent results and findings on advanced two-phase flow modeling and numerical methods otherw...

Principles of Phase Structures in Particle Physics
Principles of Phase Structures in Particle Physics
H. Meyer-Ortmanns

The phase structure of particle physics shows up in matter at extremely high densities and/or temperatures as they were reached in the early universe, shortly after the big bang, or in heavy-ion colli...

Order Disorder & Criticality Advanced Problems of Phase Tran
Order Disorder & Criticality Advanced Problems of Phase Tran
Yurij Holovatch

This book reviews some of the classic aspects in the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, which has a long history. Recently, these aspects are attracting much attention due to essentia...

Geometry and Phase Transitions in Colloids and Polymers
Geometry and Phase Transitions in Colloids and Polymers
William Kung

This monograph represents an extension of the author's original PhD thesis and includes a more thorough discussion on the concepts and mathematics behind his research works on the foam model, as appli...

Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space an Overview With Selected
Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space an Overview With Selected
Cosmas Zachos

In addition to the presentation speeches and the Nobel lectures, these volumes also provide brief biographies and the Nobel laureates' own accounts of their many years of preparation and effort that l...

Phase Transformations
Phase Transformations
S. Banerjee

The terms phase transitions and phase transformations are often used in an interchangeable manner in the metallurgical literature. In this book, transformations driven by pressure changes, radiation a...

Quantum Phase Transitions
Quantum Phase Transitions
L. Carr

Exploring a steadily growing field, this book focuses on quantum phase transitions (QPT), frontier area of research. It takes a look back as well as a look forward to the future and the many open prob...

Microgravity Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer
Microgravity Two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer
Kamiel Gabriel

Multiphase thermal systems (involving more than one phase or one component) have numerous applications in aerospace, heat-exchanger, transport of contaminants in environmental systems, and energy tran...

Phase Transitions and Renormalisation
Phase Transitions and Renormalisation
J. Zinn Justin

This work tries to provide an elementary introduction to the notions of continuum limit and universality in statistical systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. The existence of a continuum ...

Phase Transitions in Polymers
Phase Transitions in Polymers
Stephen Z.D. Cheng

A classical metastable state possesses a local free energy minimum at infinite sizes, but not a global one. This concept is phase size independent. We have studied a number of experimental results and...

Methods for Phase Diagram Determination
Methods for Phase Diagram Determination
Ji-Cheng Zhao

Phase diagrams are 'maps' materials scientists often use to design new materials. They define what compounds and solutions are formed and their respective compositions and amounts when several element...

Solid Liquid Two Phase Flow
Solid Liquid Two Phase Flow
Sümer M. Peker

This book is an undertaking of a pioneering work of uniting three vast fields of interfacial phenomena, rheology and fluid mechanics within the framework of solid-liquid two phase flow. No wonder, muc...

Phase Transitions in Cell Biology
Phase Transitions in Cell Biology
Gerald Pollack

Phase transitions occur throughout nature. The most familiar example is the one that occurs in water - the abrupt, discontinuous transition from a liquid to a gas or a solid, induced by a subtle envir...

Phase-Locked Loop Synthesizer Simulation
Phase-Locked Loop Synthesizer Simulation
Giovanni Bianchi

Open loop, closed loop, and phase error response calculations|Noise definition and analysis|Direct Digital Synthesizer|CD containing all Mathcad and SIMetrix files to perform all analyses described in...

Accurate Condensed-Phase Quantum Chemistry
Accurate Condensed-Phase Quantum Chemistry
F. Manby

The theoretical methods of quantum chemistry have matured to the point that accurate predictions can be made and experiments can be understood for a wide range of important gas-phase phenomena. A larg...

Doctor Who: The Mutant Phase
Doctor Who: The Mutant Phase
Nicholas Briggs
Cykl: Big Finish Doctor Who Audio Dramas, tom 15

In the 22nd century, the Daleks have occupied planet Earth. By the 43rd century, only a handful of humans survive. Still further into the distant future, a Thal scientist must choose whether to betray...

Phase Transformationsin Metals and Alloys 3e
Phase Transformationsin Metals and Alloys 3e
D. Porter

Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, Third Edition provides a comprehensive overview of specific types of phase transformations, supplemented by practical case studies of engineering alloys. Th...

Chiral Recognition in the Gas Phase
Chiral Recognition in the Gas Phase
A. Zehnacker

Understanding the molecular interactions responsible for chiral recognition is of primary importance in life chemistry. Gas-phase experiments on either neutral or ionic adducts of chiral molecules all...

Phase Transition & Critical Phenomena Volume 20
Phase Transition & Critical Phenomena Volume 20
Cyril Domb

The field of phase transitions and critical phenomena continues to be active in research, producing a steady stream of interesting and fruitful results. It has moved into a central place in condensed ...

Forensic & Clinical Applications of Solid Phase Extraction
Forensic & Clinical Applications of Solid Phase Extraction
M. Telepchak

This complete laboratory reference manual explains the principles behind solid phase extraction (SPE) and provides readily reproducible protocols for solving extraction problems in forensic and clinic...

Economic Dynamics Phase Diagrams & Their Economic Applicatio
Economic Dynamics Phase Diagrams & Their Economic Applicatio
R. Shone

This is the substantially revised and restructured second edition of Ron Shone's successful advanced textbook Economic Dynamics. The book provides detailed coverage of dynamics and phase diagrams, inc...

Linker Strategies in Solid phase Organic Synthesis
Linker Strategies in Solid phase Organic Synthesis
P. Scott

Linker design is an expanding field with an exciting future in state-of-the-art organic synthesis. Ever-increasing numbers of ambitious solution phase reactions are being adapted for solid-phase organ...

Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Electronic Optical and Optoelectroni
Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Electronic Optical and Optoelectroni
Peter Capper

Liquid-Phase Epitaxy (LPE) is a technique used in the bulk growth of crystals, typically in semiconductor manufacturing, whereby the crystal is grown from a rich solution of the semiconductor onto a s...

Coarse-Graining of Condensed Phase and Biomolecular Systems
Coarse-Graining of Condensed Phase and Biomolecular Systems
G. Voth

Exploring recent developments in the field, Coarse-Graining of Condensed Phase and Biomolecular Systems examines systematic ways of constructing coarse-grained representations for complex systems. It ...

Mechanisms of Diffusional Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys
Mechanisms of Diffusional Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys
Hubert Irwin Aaronson, Masato Enomoto, Jong K. Lee

Developed by the late metallurgy professor and master experimentalist Hubert I. Aaronson, this collection of lecture notes details the fundamental principles of phase transformations in metals and al...

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