
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "photo mnie", znaleziono 31

Koetzle Hans-Michael

Photographs have a strange and powerful way of shaping the way we see theworld and influencing our perceptions of reality. To demonstrate theunique and profound influence on culture and society that p...

Photo Editor
Paweł Szwedowski

Program Microsoft Photo Editor znajduje się w pakietach: Office 97, Office 2000, Office XP. Ksiqżka jest pierwszą publikacją na rynku opisujqcą ten jakże przydatny, czasami lekceważony i pomijany prze...


The fascinating black-and-white and color photographs in this volume lead observers through 175 years of the history of photo journalism. The book will captivate you with its varied and striking image...

M. Trillo

This title presents a retrospective catalogue of the photographer Miguel Trillo (Jimena de la Frontera, Cadiz, 1953). His work could be catagorized as photo-documental, (though his first works had a c...

Invisible Photo
Invisible Photo
J. Bravo

Invisible is a publishing project dedicated to professional photography, to the city and to creation. The cities that are part of Invisible share between them a long tradition of photographic producti...

A Photo Finish
A Photo Finish
Elsie Silver
Cykl: Gold Rush Ranch, tom 2

Drugi tom serii „Gold Rush Ranch” z nowymi bohaterami! Widziałem każdy najmniejszy skrawek kuszącego ciała Violet Eaton, a ona nie miała pojęcia, kim jestem. Aż do teraz. To, co wydarzyło si...

Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2. Pierwsze starcie
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2. Pierwsze starcie
Witold Wrotek

Poznaj możliwości tego programu, a Twoje zdjęcia będą doskonałe! Jak poprawiać i retuszować fotografie? Jak wykonywać kolaże? Jak stosować efekty specjalne? Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 to popularny ...

Photo. Kosycarz. Extraordinary ordinary photographs. Gdańsk Sopot Gdynia
Photo. Kosycarz. Extraordinary ordinary photographs. Gdańsk Sopot Gdynia
Maciej Kosycarz

Już od kilku dni w księgarniach jest dostępna długo oczekiwana, limitowana wersja angielska albumu „Fot. Kosycarz. Niezwykłe Zwykłe Zdjęcia. Gdańsk Sopot Gdynia”. Album w języku polskim pojawił się na...

Zaginiony chłopiec
Zaginiony chłopiec
Nicole Trope

Sześć lat temu ktoś go porwał. Dzisiaj twój mały chłopiec powrócił. Dociera do niej przeciągająca się po drugiej stronie słuchawki cisza. Serce zaczyna jej szybciej bić. – kogo znaleźli? – pyta...

Fotografia przyrodnicza i krajobrazowa
Fotografia przyrodnicza i krajobrazowa
The Mountain Trail Photo Team

Zdobycie wiedzy pozwalającej z powodzeniem fotografować naturę jeszcze do niedawna mogło się wydawać zadaniem niezwykle trudnym. Fotografia przyrodnicza i krajobrazowa krok po kroku przedstawia profes...

Photo Manipulation
Photo Manipulation

In the realm of traditional photography, designers create perfect images that require time and painstaking effort to refine. But on the Web - a medium which requires a much lower level of image qualit...

Photo Trouvee
Photo Trouvee
M. Frizot

"Photo Trouvee" brings together 285 anonymous 'amateur' photographs, which were discovered and collected over a period of over twenty years in flea markets and antique shops. They are taken from the p...

Photo Dictionary
Photo Dictionary

This is a vocabulary and conversation book, presenting a photographic panorama of language and life in North America. Each page offers a wealth of classroom activities--from listening, writing and gra...

14-18 Tome 6- La Photo
14-18 Tome 6- La Photo
Éric Corbeyran, Étienne Le Roux
Cykl: 14-18, tom 6

Juillet 1916. La bataille de la Somme est engagee par les Allies pour sortir du piege de Verdun. Mais les echanges d'artillerie infligent de nouveau d'enormes pertes malgre le soutien de nouvelles arm...

Photo Crafts Sourcebook
Photo Crafts Sourcebook
Kathryn Livingston

Photographs record memories of that all-important work-in-progress called life. So why take pictures only to stow them away in a drawer? This step-by-step guide shows how anyone can jazz up photos to ...

E. Schouten

Publishing the results of the most recent annual World Press Photo Contest,this exceptional book contains the very best press photographs from theyear 2007 pictures submitted by photo journalists, pic...


The best in visual reportage from all over the world. The Independent on Sunday Publishing the results of the most recent annual World Press Photo Contest, this exceptional book contains the most haun...

Graphis Photo Annual 2005
Graphis Photo Annual 2005
B. Pedersen

A stylistic tour de force, this is the definitive yearbook of photographic art-a medium that continues to evolve. The 250 plus photographs in this collection represent the year's best international co...

Elsbeth Schouten

'Will amuse, sadden, console and ultimately teach you much about this world of ours' - Popular Photography 'Some of the very best work being done around the world today' - News Photographer Publishing...


Publishing the results of the most recent annual World Press Photo Contest, this exceptional book contains the very best press photographs from the year 2008 - pictures submitted by photojournalists, ...

International Photo Magazine 09
International Photo Magazine 09
E. Foster

C PHOTO NINE proposes a partial but heterogeneous discourse about a collective history, proposing what could possibly be a new way of thinking about gender. This discourse sets up a dialogue between d...

World Press Photo 11
World Press Photo 11

Publishing the results of the most recent annual World Press Photo Contest,this exceptional book contains the very best press photographs from theyear 2010 - pictures submitted by photojournalists, pi...

New Dimensions in Photo Processes
New Dimensions in Photo Processes
L. Blacklow

New Dimensions in Photo Processes, 4e FULL COLOR throughout for the first time, this redesigned fourth edition of New Dimensions in Photo Processes beautifully highlights the work of internationally k...

Human Brain in Photo & Diagrams
Human Brain in Photo & Diagrams
John Nolte

Hundreds of exquisite images illustrate the gross anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and brainstem. This outstanding atlas features 3-dimensional, computer-enhanced reconstructions that depict core st...

Paint Shop Pro Photo XI for Photographers
Paint Shop Pro Photo XI for Photographers
Mc Mahon

Literally stamped with the approval seal of Corel, this book is more than just a guide to the features of the software. So many books are aimed at only the introductory level, but this guide explores ...

Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection
Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection
M. Wanibuchi

This photo atlas is a presentation of a series of step-by-step anatomic dissections as seen from the eye of an operating neurosurgeon. The book contains 1100 high-quality color illustrations, as well ...

Canon EOS Digital Photography Photo Workshop
Canon EOS Digital Photography Photo Workshop
S. Timacheff

Veteran professional photographer Serge Timacheff walks you through the features of the Canon EOS DSLR camera; selecting, understanding, and using lenses and accessories; and, caring for your equipmen...

Irreverent Photo Tools for Digital Photographers
Irreverent Photo Tools for Digital Photographers
S. Weinrebe

"Irreverent Photo Tools for Digital Photographers" is for all photographers looking for a simpler way to expand their equipment essentials, so they can accomplish professional-quality work without spe...

C International Photo Magazine v 3
C International Photo Magazine v 3
Adam Zagajewski

A dazzling collection of classic and cutting-edge images examining urban life. This large format, opulently designed book features hundreds of images, exploring the dialogue between photographs and ci...

Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 for Photographers
Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 for Photographers
K. McMahon

No digital photographer should be without this Corel recommended guide! Every chapter in the book is methodically organized and easily accessible, so you can pick and choose to get the effect you need...

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