What Will Your Las Vegas Encounter Be? Strutting down the Strip in your brand new Jimmy Choos Getting swept up in the frenzied world of Cirque du Soleil contortionists Lingering over dry-aged Angus ri...
An acclaimed pair of authors come together to answer every question any science enthusiast might ask, while explaining key science concepts in appealing and understandable language! full-color, realis...
Immediately on its publication in 1972, Learning from Las Vegas, by Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Steven Izenour, was hailed as a transformative work in the history and theory of architectur...
Beltrin Soler es de Chile una tierra que se mueve. Es ademis un sismologoque sabe mis sobre las placas tectonicas que de la vida. Camino a Tokiohace escala en Los Angeles donde pierde el avion y se en...
Slurp borsch and vodka after-hours at a Cirque du Soleil hangoutCool off in a room full of minty snow after an aphrodisiac-oil massageIndulge your inner showgirl with a new blonde bob and red-ostrich ...
This guide provides tips on how to enjoy the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas on any budget. It offers details on how to escape the neon lights and explore Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon and southwest Utah as...
Compiled by the magazine's travel experts, and by the extraordinary network of international correspondents, the guides are truly the insider's guide to each featured city. Both people who live there,...
The Grand Canyon, Pueblo Dwellings, the desert art of Georgia O'Keefe -what could be a bigger contrast with the neon and glitter of Las Vegas?Amazingly, these are all found in one region of the USA - ...
Viva Las Vegas! Lose yourself in this neon oasis of indulgence, where glitter and glam, colossal casinos and sassy showgirls reign supreme. Action-packed with the coolest spots, hottest tips and racie...
Las Sabias Mujeres de la Habana es una apasionada y enternecedora historiaque se desarrolla en el exótico mundo de Cuba en el ańo 1937. Esta novelanarra las vidas de dos cuńadas que comienzan como riv...
Icons of surrealism such as the Lobster Telephone and Mae West Lips sofa would not exist if it weren't for Edward James. Born into fabulous wealthhis father was a scion of the Phelps-Dodge dynasty, hi...
Cuando Scooby-Doo y la pandilla llegan al Albergue del Gran Pino para pasar el fin de semana, la estacion de esqui esta desierta. La gente tiene miedo porque hay rumores de que el monstruo de las niev...
In the space of a century, Las Vegas went from a dusty frontier town to thebooming 24-hour mecca for pleasure-seekers captured in this new TASCHENtitle. America`s naughtiest town is seen in vintage pi...
Reissue of the classic tale of adventure and death on a mysterious Arcticisland, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense. A convertedfishing trawler, Morning Rose carries a movie-making crew ...