
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "plany t im", znaleziono 70

A Play of Dux Moraud
A Play of Dux Moraud
Margaret Frazer
Cykl: Joliffe the Player, tom 2

Performing at the wedding of Sir Edmund Deneby's daughter, the player Joliffe has another task to perform—as a spy. As he uncovers the secrets of the Denebys' sordid history, it becomes clear that thi...

Laura Hillman

"Tell me what you remember most about home," Dick asked me one evening."A lilac tree," I said. "It bloomed every May, around the time of Mama'sbirthday. The memory is so vivid in mind, I can almost sm...

Handbook of Plant Science 2 vols
Handbook of Plant Science 2 vols
K. Roberts

Plant Science, like the biological sciences in general, has undergone seismic shifts in the last thirty or so years. Of course science is always changing and metamorphosing, but these shifts have mean...

Play Culture in a Changing World
Play Culture in a Changing World

At a time of rapid change in post-industrial societies, this book helps readers to re-evaluate the contribution of play in childhood. Adults need to understand that children have their own play cultur...

Simpatico a Play in Three Acts
Simpatico a Play in Three Acts
S. Shepard

Set within the netherworld of thoroughbred racing, this hair-raisingly funny new play by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of True West explores the classical themes of memory, loyalty, and restitutio...

Plan B 3.0 Mobilizing to Save Civilization
Plan B 3.0 Mobilizing to Save Civilization
L. Brown

The world faces many environmental trends of disruption and decline. The scale and complexity of issues facing our fast-forward world have no precedent. With "Plan A", business as usual, we have negle...

Media A Complete Guide to Advertising Media Selection Planni
Media A Complete Guide to Advertising Media Selection Planni
H. Katz

The Media Handbook provides an introduction to the complete media planning and buying process. Emphasizing basic media planning and buying calculations along with the practical realities of offering p...

Principles and Practices of Plant Genomics v 3
Principles and Practices of Plant Genomics v 3
C. Kole

This book presents the basic and applied aspects of sequencing of genes and genomes and their implication in the fine-scale elucidation of the plant genomes. The third volume presents an overview on t...

Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet Under Stress & a Civilization
Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet Under Stress & a Civilization
L. Brown

The world faces numerous environmental trends of disruption and decline such as rising temperatures, falling water tables and rising sea levels. In addition, the world faces the peaking of oil, the ad...

Rebound A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss
Rebound A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss
M. Finney

Been laid off? Fired? Pushed out? See it coming? This book will help you get back on your feet, develop a plan of action, and find your next great job! Real answers from real experts: *What to do firs...

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