Saga o dżentelmenie w najlepszym angielskim stylu I wojna światowa dobiega końca. Valentine Wannop i Christopher Tietjens, wraz z bratem i siostrzenicą Tietjensa, mieszkają w domku w Sussex. Każde z ...
Over time at least four meanings have been attributed to the term 'Baltic' -- drawing on thirty years of extensive research, Foreword to the Past is the first modern introduction to the enigma of the ...
Simon Rogers to międzynarodowa gwiazda muzyki pop. Jest bogaty, utalentowany i otoczony wielbicielkami. Żadna z nich jednak nie wie, jak wygląda prawdziwe życie charyzmatycznego idola... Uzależnieni...
The most prominent literary phenomenon in the 1980s and 1990s in China, historical fiction has never been systematically surveyed in Anglophone scholarship. This is the first investigation into how, b...
A romantic weekend at Marlow House Bed and Breakfast turns deadly when Earthbound Spirits founder, Peter Morris, is murdered. Plenty of people had a reason to want the man dead—especially Danielle’s ...
Relacja o jednej z najgłośniejszych bitew w Powstaniu Warszawskim – trwających ponad dwa tygodnie, walkach o gmach Polskiej Akcyjnej Spółki Telefonicznej (PAST-y) przy ul. Zielnej. Zdobycie tego zacię...
The origins of this book are to be found in the wish to promote and enhance cooperation between scholars from Visegrad countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. In spite of significant ...
The present volume is the result of the International Conference Mongolia and the Mongols: Past and Present held in the University of Warsaw on November 23,24. 2015. The conference enabled scholars wo...
Zmiany zwyrodnieniowe stawów to jedne z najczęstszych zmian patologicznych kośćca odnotowywanych w dawnych populacjach ludzkich. Choć są to zmiany częste, łatwe do obserwacji na materiałach szkieletow...
Tymczasem dla Lewenhaupta stawało się coraz bardziej jasne, że nie zdoła powstrzymać piechoty z lewego skrzydła przed ucieczką. Zrezygnował więc z kolejnych prób i chciał udać się na prawe skrzydło, a...
The monograph Global Financial Reporting. The Past, Present and Likely Future, one in the series of seven monographs written on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Department of Accounting at ...
Rozpoczęła się nowa era dla Chin, a wraz z nią nowa potrzeba głębszego zrozumienia tego kraju i jego bogatej spuścizny. Siedemnaście artykułów zawartych w książce, autorstwa jednych z najlepszych pols...
Czy można schudnąć szybko i bez efektu jo-jo? Autor bestsellera "Jelita wiedzą lepiej" w swoim stylu sprawdza to na sobie i udowadnia, że można! Na potrzeby eksperymentu przytył sześć kilogramów, ...
Publikacja anglojęzyczna ? księga jubileuszowa z okazji 70. urodzin prof. dr. hab. Jana. J. Milewskiego. Professor Jan J. Milewski is and economic historian and one of the Nestors of African studies i...
From Introduction Jane Urquhart is the author of several volumes of poetry, a collection of short-stories, Storm Glass (1987), and five novels: The Whirlpool (1986), Changing Heaven (1990), Away (1993...
"Never underestimate the power of a woman on a double espresso with a mocha latte chaser high." - T-shirt Charley Davidson isn't your everyday, run-of-the-mill grim reaper. She's more of a paranormal ...
All Eden wants is redemption but the road to redemption is never an easy one. Travelling to Scotland to find her mother’s bloodline, Eden is soon embroiled in the politics and training of the Scot...
Miranda ma wszystko, co potrzebne do szczęścia - dom i rodzinę. I nagle wszystko zaczyna się walić...
This book is a wonderfully readable overview of the developmental principles underlying psychodynamic counselling. Theories of Freud, Klein, Winnicott, Kohut and others are organized into three broad ...
A guide to successful negotiation shows readers how to stay cool under pressure, stand up for themselves without provoking opposition, deal with underhanded tactics, find mutually agreeable options, a...
Rarely has humanity's underestimation of the impacts of its activities been so starkly demonstrated as in the marine environment. For centuries the seas appeared to offer limitless supplies of food an...
Bestselling author Ben Elton delivers a heart-stopping thriller and a killer comic romance. With old friends like these, who needs enemies? It’s a question, short, mild mannered detective Edward Newso...
Behind the windows and rose-bedecked gardens of Summer Street, there are lots of secrets. There's the one that hard-working single mother, Faye, hides from her teenage daughter, Amber. And there's the...
In Present Perfect, Brad Johnson was sexy, cocky, rich and a complete Smurff**ker. He could afford anything he wanted and could charm any girl he set his eyes on. Everything was laid out in front of h...
Abandoned by his mother and raised by a judgmental, homophobic father on the unforgiving streets of Overtown, Davin Monroe knows a lot about survival and little about love. As heir to the family busin...
Spending Halloween in a haunted house is nothing out of the ordinary for Danielle and Lily. After all, Marlow House Bed & Breakfast has its own full-time ghost. But there is another haunted house in ...