
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "poza logana i o co", znaleziono 26

Ec Merger Control Regulation
Ec Merger Control Regulation
M. Kekelekis

Merger control constitutes a well-established pillar of EU competition law. However, the drafters of the Community competition merger legislation, in view of the need to attain the imperative goal of ...

EC Merger Decisions Digest 3 vols
EC Merger Decisions Digest 3 vols
Michel Struys

With company mergers an ever-present feature of daily business life in Europe and the wider world, it is essential that practitioners' legal, corporate and financial become familiar not only with the ...

Modernised EC Competition Law in International Arbitration
Modernised EC Competition Law in International Arbitration
Philip Landolt

The recent "modernisation" of EC competition law has heightened the need for international arbitration practitioners to accommodate EC competition law into their practice and has made it necessary for...

Class 2 Transferases III EC - 30
Class 2 Transferases III EC - 30
D. Schomburg

The objective of the "Springer Handbook of Enzymes" is to provide in concise form data on enzymes sufficiently well characterized. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The volumes are...

Integration of Environmental Protection into Other EC Polici
Integration of Environmental Protection into Other EC Polici
N. Dhondt

integrated into other Community policies and activities. This book examines the extent to which, if at all, this Treaty provision requires the Community policy maker to adjust policies so as to ensure...

W rytmie wieczoru i poranka BIS!
W rytmie wieczoru i poranka BIS!
Cykl: W rytmie wieczoru i poranka, tom 2

Po wielu wzlotach i upadkach Asaichi i Yoru w końcu zostają parą. Ich wspólne dni są pełne szczęścia i przytłaczającej niekiedy miłości basisty, a każdy ranek rozpoczyna się od fellatio z seksem na d...

Uzależniony mózg
Uzależniony mózg
Suzette Glasner-Edwards

Droga do wyjścia z uzależnienia nie jest prosta. Używki poprawiają samopoczucie, pomagają się odprężyć, funkcjonować w sytuacjach społecznych, uciec od trudności. Często jednak okazjonalne sięganie...

Mirari vos (O liberalizmie)
Mirari vos (O liberalizmie)
Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari EC "Grzegorz XVI"

EC Competition Procedure
EC Competition Procedure
Luis Ortiz Blanco

This is the second edition of a key analytical commentary on the competition procedures of the EC, written by a distinguished editor and contributor team with extensive experience in the area. It prov...

EC Competition Law
EC Competition Law
Brenda Sufrin

The second edition of the innovative and well respected EC Competition Law provides a comprehensive guide to the study of EC Competition Law, combining the strengths of the modern textbook and the tra...

EC Public Procurement
EC Public Procurement
C. Bovis

Public procurement represents a specialist yet important area of practice in the European and international business and commercial legal environment. This book offers an inclusive, coherent and pract...

EC Environmental Law
EC Environmental Law
Ludwig Kramer

This acclaimed text provides in-depth examination of environmental law at the EC level. It focuses on the policies driving European Community practice in environmental matters, considering the origins...

EC Securities Regulation 2e
EC Securities Regulation 2e
N. Moloney

will interest all those engaged in Financial Services Regulation be they students, scholars, policy researchers or practitioners. KnowEurope ... an essential analysis of Community securities regulatio...

Goyder's EC Competition Law
J. Goyder

Goyder's EC Competition Law is firmly established as a classic text on this area of law. The emergence of competition law has been one of the most important features of the EC and has had a significan...

Directives in EC Law
Directives in EC Law
Sacha Prechal

This fully revised and updated new edition offers a detailed exposition of EC Directives, individual rights, and the protection of those rights in national courts. Three central themes are investigate...

EC Competition Law Handbook
4 wydania
EC Competition Law Handbook
Christopher Jones

The annual edition of Sweet and Maxwell's renowned guide to EC Competition Law has become the commonly recognised reference point for any practitioner's or academic's analysis of EC competition law is...

General Principles of EC Law
2 wydania
General Principles of EC Law
Takis Tridimas

The European Court of Justice has profoundly influenced the development of the legal order of the European Community through the elaboration of unwritten general principles of law. The general princip...

Blackstone's EC Legislation 2006-2007
Blackstone's EC Legislation 2006-2007
N. Foster

Designed specifically for students, "Blackstone's Statutes" lead the market in providing a carefully selected, regularly updated, and well sourced collection of legislation for the core subjects and m...

EC Antitrust Procedure 5/e
C.S. Kerse

EC Antitrust Procedure explains how the European Commission investigates infringements of EC competition law, the procedural rights of the parties concerned, the method for setting fines, judicial rev...

Cases & Materials on EC Competition Law
Cases & Materials on EC Competition Law
Valentine Korah

The new edition of this book continues to be one of the leading works on competition law for students, and the ideal companion to the author's "Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law and Practice" (...

Uk & EC Competition Law Documents
Uk & EC Competition Law Documents
Kirsty Middleton

This new edition of UK and EC Competition Documents provides a comprehensive, portable, and affordable collection of all relevant primary and secondary UK and EC Legislation. It has been fully revised...

Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law & Practice
Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law & Practice
Valentine Korah

This is the eighth edition of the most widely respected and oft-referred to textbook on EC competition law and practice. For many years a vade mecum for practising lawyers and law students this book h...

Social and Environmental Policies in EC Procurement Law
Social and Environmental Policies in EC Procurement Law
S. Arrowsmith

In developing public procurement policy, governments are often concerned not only with value for money but also with promoting their social and environmental objectives. However, imposing social and e...

Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law
Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law
K. Middleton

Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law is designed to help the reader make sense of this fast-developing and often complex area of law. By providing readers with a broad range of materials r...

EC Law Essential Guide to Legal Workings of European Communi
EC Law Essential Guide to Legal Workings of European Communi
Stephen Weatherill

Now completely revised and updated for its third edition, this authoritative analysis gives the essential background to an understanding of the operation of the European Union and of the problems faci...

New Genetics New Social Formation
New Genetics New Social Formation
Peter Glasner

New genetic technologies cut across a range of public regulatory domains and private lifeworlds, often appearing to generate an institutional void in response to the complex challenges they pose. As a...

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