Autorzy omawiają i interpretują dzieje Irlandii, korzystając z wyników najnowszych badań naukowych. Miarą sukcesu książki jest uznanie czytelników zainteresowanych historią i problemami Irlandii. Ksią...
Po pięćdziesięciu latach badań nad doświadczeniami z pogranicza śmierci, doktor Raymond Moody przedstawia światu swoją odpowiedź na pytanie, które nurtuje ludzkość od wieków: Co się dzieje, gdy umier...
Encyklopedia ewolucji to najnowsze opracowanie szczegółowo omawiające dzieje Ziemi od jej powstania aż do czasów obecnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tajemnicy życia i jego niezwykłej różnorodności...
Use this set of colorful cards to learn and remember pathophysiology! With96 full-color cartoons covering pathophysiologic concepts, Mosby'sPathophysiology Memory NoteCards, 2nd Edition uses humor and...
Health care and nursing practice continue to change at a rapid pace, and nurses need access to up-to-date information from the many areas of nursing practice and other health care disciplines.This poc...
Horses came to America from Spain, England, the Low Countries, and Arabia. Here they interbred and flourished as never before. "Out of the melting pot have come four entirely new breeds that rank amon...
Embraces various controversies in ageing and asks the reader to become involved in the major ageing issues that, as a society, we are struggling with and to take an informed stand. This book shows the...
Unlike anything currently available in the market, Dr. Sally A. Moody and a team of world-renowned experts provide a groundbreaking view of developmental genetics that will influence scientific approa...
In his first novel in seven years, Rick Moody gives us a generous, hilarious, and brilliant look at contemporary America, from coast to coast. In the month after Election Day 2000, scores of movie-bus...
Crewdson is at the forefront of a movement in contemporary photography thathas abandoned realism in pursuit of pure cinematic fantasy." —The NewYork Times Magazine Twilight: in that zone between the c...
Meet PENNY WANAWAKE, philanthropist, free-thinker, part-time sleuth. Very tall, very classy, very black, a beautiful tigress in tigress's clothing. And her lover and friend, BARNABY, cool, witty, hig...