Pięć tomów bestsellerowej serii "Percy Jackson i Bogowie Olimpijscy" w specjalnie zaprojektowanym pudełku. " "Percy Jackson i bogowie olimpijscy" Ricka Riordana to bestsellerowy cykl książek o chłopc...
Książka jest zbiorem utworów czterech autorów. Ze wstępem i w przekładzie Zbigniewa Bieńkowskiego.
In the 1680s the slave trade was still in its infancy. In the Americas, virulent religious and class division, prejudice and oppression were rife, providing the fertile soil in which slavery and race ...
After two years on the run, mob boss Don Cagliostro discovers his young wife, Maria--seeking escape from a life of organized crime--has been hiding in a nunnery in northern Europe. What the don doesn'...
This volume presents the text of a play that focuses on two gay lovers, one in an exhausting battle with AIDS, and two friends who join together to help the man with AIDS end his life.