Dopiero w naszych czasach technika dopomogła człowiekowi do przezwyciężenia niebezpieczeństw, które grożą zazwyczaj wtedy, gdy wzrok i słuch nie potrafią zawczasu uprzedzić o przeszkodzie. Dała mu on...
Weather radar systems provide data necessary for the understanding of weather systems, improved forecasts (especially critical for severe weather), hydrological applications, flood warnings and also f...
Książka stanowi zbiór ściśle powiązanych ze sobą szkiców, podejmujących refleksję teoretyczną nad dziedzinami rozpatrywanymi zazwyczaj osobno: antropologią słowa, teorią antropologiczną, filozofią kul...
Radar morski jest urządzeniem elektronicznym, które mierzy namiar i odległość od obiektu i wyświetla tę informację w formie prostego obrazu, wskazując lokalizację takich obiektów jak ląd, znaki nawiga...
Każdy z nas posiada radar chroniący go przed reklamami, czyli mechanizm obronny pomagający filtrować około tysiąca pięciuset komunikatów reklamowych, którymi jesteśmy codziennie bombardowani. Ten nad...
Kto właściwie wygrał drugą wojnę światową? Jakie odkrycie przechyliło szalę zwycięstwa na stronę aliantów? Co miało istotny wpływ na powojenny porządek świata? Robert Buderi odpowiada na te pytania kr...
This volume is devoted to the Persistent Scatterer Technique, the latest development in radar interferometric data processing. Using this technique, millimetric displacements can be observed at hundre...
This book covers the entire range of developments in the operational and research use of RADAR for meteorological applications, such as aviation, precipitation measurement and hydrology, tropical cycl...
A text and general reference on the design and analysis of radar signals As radar technology evolves to encompass a growing spectrum of applications in military, aerospace, automotive, and other secto...
This book describes the key elements of the subject of surface penetrating radar, and in general terms the inter-relationship between those topics in electromagnetism, soil science, geophysics and sig...
The use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) represents a new era in remote sensing technology. A complete handbook for anyone who must design an SAR system capable of reliably producing high quality ima...
Here's a powerful new software package that reconstructs real flight situations and provides a simple and effective way of accumulating the backscattering characteristics of 11 types of aerial targets...
Increasing information content is an important scientific problem in modern observation systems development. Radar imaging can be used for this purpose. This new book focuses on holography and tomogra...
This new book provides an overview of the whole radar target recognition process, and covers the key techniques being developed for operational systems. The book is based on the fundamental scientific...
This is a newly revised edition, and it is a significant expansion and improvement to the previously self-published first edition. Many of the first-edition illustrations have been improved upon, and ...
The book covers a variety of aspects central to radar remote sensing, with a focus on polarimetric topics. The chapters on electromagnetic wave propagation, antennas, radar and synthetic aperture rada...
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a rapidly developing field that has seen tremendous progress over the past 15 years. The development of GPR spans aspects of geophysical science, technology, and a wi...
Here’s a unique new resource that offers you a solid understanding of the fundamental theory, operation principles and applications of short-range frequency modulated continuous wave (FM CW) radar. Yo...
This book brings together the key concepts essential for the application of Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) to radar detection, tracking, classification, and scheduling. It highlights the latest advance...
The drive is on to devise LPI radar systems that evade hostile detection as well as develop non-cooperative intercept devices that outsmart enemy LPI radar. Based on the author’s own design experience...
This cutting-edge resource offers you complete "how to" guidance on digital processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. You discover how SAR is used to obtain a high-resolution image from a sat...
Now available in a three-volume set, this updated and expanded edition of the bestselling The Digital Signal Processing Handbook continues to provide the engineering community with authoritative cover...