
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "rosaline jak ja", znaleziono 3

Badania fokusowe
Badania fokusowe
Barbour Rosaline

Badania fokusowe, inaczej zogniskowane wywiady grupowe, to jedna z najbardziej popularnych metod badawczych, stosowanych szeroko w badaniach socjologicznych, psychologicznych i marketingowych. Autorka...

R. Solomon

Rosalind Solomon made her first pictures in Poland in 1988 during a time ofpolitical change, and returned there in 2003, a time of increasing violenceand inhumanity in the world. All of the images are...

Gender of Rosalind
Gender of Rosalind
J. Kott

The title essay in The Gender of Rosalind offers a snapshot of Kott's current thinking as it traces the complexities within -- and implied by -- As You Like It's major female character. In Head for Ma...

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