Życie zaczyna się po czterdziestce! I kiedy myślisz, że po tylu latach życia, nic już nie jest w stanie cię zaskoczyć, los płata ci figla i stawia przed tobą kolejne wyzwania. Aby sobie z nimi poradz...
Podkarpacie to niezaprzeczalnie jeden z najpiękniejszych rejonów Polski, z licznymi cennymi zabytkami, bogatą kulturą i tyleż ciekawą, co burzliwą historią. W albumie "Podkarpacie z lotu ptaka" zaprez...
Seria SKAM to oryginalne scenariusze kultowego już serialu internetowego, który odniósł sukces na całym świecie. Każdy z czterech tomów zawiera scenariusz jednego z sezonów wyemitowanych pomiędzy ...
Tom 2 serii Ever Była moim światem. I nagle ją straciłem. A to, co zrobiłem, może sprawić, że stracę ją na zawsze… Ever i Caden: poznali się jeszcze w liceum i nie mogli o sobie zapomnieć. Przez lata ...
Zbiór czarno-białych komiksów dwóch typów. Pierwszy ma na celu rozszerzyć wątek główny serii Emnisi i wyjaśnić te tajemnice, które zostaną niedopowiedziane w albumach. Drugi to historie niezależne o e...
Left adrift in arctic waters with a gunshot wound to the head, adrift in arctic waters, Christy White was rescued from an icy death by a mysterious man. She craved retribution, and he taught her how t...
It's action-packed adventure for kids with this new line of books based on "Samurai Jack," Cartoon Network's latest hit show. In the distant past, an evil shape-shifter named Aku has brought destructi...
All-new, easy-to-read riddles by Jean Marzollo are paired with fun photographs culled from previously published I Spy books to create an I Spy easy reader. With rhythm, rhyme, and picture clues, this ...
In the American Deep South is a fort that contains a group of men and women trapped in a stifling and repetitive existence. The Major and his fragile wife dine and play cards with Captain Penderton an...
Are you looking for a different type of optical puzzle to challenge you? Something that will perplex even you, the perceptive puzzler, even though you think you have seen and solved every mind-boggler...
In 1803, at President Jefferson's request, Captains Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery set out to explore beyond the newly purchased land of the Louisiana Territory to the western end of the...
True account of the training and early work experiences of the German shepherd which became the first seeing eye dog in America.
A dazzling tour of the latest genetic discoveries which are blurring the boundaries between science and history - 'Brilliant, authoritative, surprising, captivating' BRIAN COX 'A brilliant, authoritat...
'I was 7, I had never seen a ship before...it looked very big...everybody was very excited, we went down to the cabin and that's when my mother said to my father that she had made up her mind quite f...