
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "safer sania", znaleziono 12

Strach to za mało, czyli grubsza afera
Strach to za mało, czyli grubsza afera
Mariusz Niemycki, Agnieszka Semaniszyn-Konat
Cykl: Piątka z Bukowej Góry, tom 1

Kategoria wiekowa: 8 – 12 Wakacje w Bukowej Górze dobiegają końca, ale na piątkę nierozłącznych przyjaciół czeka kolejna porcja przygód. Okazuje się, że w tajemniczych okolicznościach zniknęła rodzina...

Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives
Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives

This volume contains monographs prepared at the 65th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food additives (JECFA), which met in Geneva, Switzerland on 7 - 16 June 2005. It includes toxicolo...

Food Safety
Food Safety
P. Entis

Food Safety offers an intriguing, anecdotal assessment of food-and waterborne illnesses "from farm to fork." It examines how modern technology and traditional views about food safety and food handling...

Ensuring Global Food Safety
Christine Boisrobert

Among the hurdles to providing safe and nutritious foods to the world, despite plentiful production, is the differentiations in regulatory thresholds of acceptability. The recent contamination issues ...

Preharvest & Postharvest Food Safety
Preharvest & Postharvest Food Safety
R. Beier

While presenting the latest scientific research on the major pathogens associated with meat, poultry, produce, and other foods, Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future...

Epidemiologic Principles & Food Safety
Epidemiologic Principles & Food Safety
T. Lasky

Epidemiology has long played a critical role in investigating outbreaks of foodborne illness and in identifying the microbial pathogens associated with such illness. Epidemiologists were the detective...

Environmental Regulation & Food Safety
Environmental Regulation & Food Safety
Veena Jha

Environmental, health and sanitary requirements in developed countries are sometimes perceived in developing countries as non-tariff barriers to trade. This book shows that such restrictions are perce...

Listeria Lister Food Safety
Listeria Lister Food Safety
M. Ryser

Since the second edition of "Listeria, Listeriosis, and Food Safety" was published in 1999, the United States has seen a 40 percent decline in the incidence of listeriosis, with the current annual rat...

Microbial Food Safety in Animal Agriculture
Microbial Food Safety in Animal Agriculture
M. Torrence

In answer to public concerns, Microbial Food Safety in Animal Agriculture: Current Topics provides timely information on this area of increasing importance, giving a broad overview of pre-harvest micr...

Integrated Food Safety & Veterinary Public Health
Integrated Food Safety & Veterinary Public Health
S. Buncic

The importance of food for human health has been widely recognized. The safety of foods of animal origin is particularly relevant because the large majority of foodborne diseases come from poultry, eg...

Handbook of Organic Food Safety and Quality
2 wydania
Handbook of Organic Food Safety and Quality
J. Cooper

With increased consumer pressure to reduce the use of pesticides, fertilizers, veterinary medicines and growth promoters in food production systems, demand for organic food continues to rise. Safety a...

Microbiological Safety of Food in Health-Care Settings
Microbiological Safety of Food in Health-Care Settings
Paul Hunter

Drawing together the work of a wide range of experts, this extremely important book provides a clear, practical account of the salient features of foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and of the partic...

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