Pewnego dnia klasa piąta z naszej szkoły pojechała na wycieczkę do Krakowa. W planie było zwiedzanie Wawelu. Autokar zatrzymał się pod Wzgórzem Wawelskim. Potem pieszo wycieczka doszła do kasy, gdzie ...
Unwilling to turn the killing over to the local police, the university calls in New Scotland Yard. Thus, Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley and his partner, Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers, enter the...
Elena Weaver was a surprise to anyone meeting her for the first time. In her clingy dresses and dangling earrings she exuded a sexuality at odds with the innocence projected by the unicorn posters on ...
In Europe, where it has been seen as pro-Serbian, journalist Peter Handke's meditative essay on ethnic conflict in the former Yugoslavia has been stirring up a great deal of controversy. But Handke, a...