Shizuma and Minato are officially a couple. But Shizuma—now a resident veterinarian—is so busy he barely has time to catch his breath, let alone go on a date. When he finally manages to find time for ...
Shizuma has proposed living together and couldn’t be more gung ho about it! Minato, on the other hand, is a little more reserved and wants to think things through first. Will apartment hunting give Mi...
"Game Programming All in One, Third Edition" offers a fun, hands-on method for learning to program 2D-based games with C using the cross-platform, open-source Allegro game library. Using artwork provi...
Dremland: a cutting-edge weapons research facility in the Nevada desert, home to the world's finest pilots and an elite combat unit under the direct command of the US President.
The Samoan Islands offer two cultures in one: traditional independent Samoa in the west, and modern American Samoa to the east. With this comprehensive guide to both territories, your stay in either o...
From its iconic imagery, stars, and score, MGM's Man with no Name trilogy is a modern masterpiece of cinema! And now, the legend comes to life once again as the next new series from Dynamite! Starring...
A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, SWEET TOOTH tells the story of Gus, a rare new breed of human/animal hybrid children, who has been raised in isolation following an inexplicable p...
Samoa, an idyllic travel destination in its own right, also contains the strongest and proudest of Polynesian cultures. US Samoa is an opportunity to see the melding of two cultures and the unique res...
"Game Programming Gems 6" is the latest all new volume in this critically acclaimed series. Filled with insights from game industry pros, this volume provides faster, better tools and techniques for m...
Starring the ultimate anti-hero, and under the helm of writer Luke Lieberman, Matt Wolpert, and artist Diego Bernard, Man with No Name Volume 2 continues the epic saga based on Sergio Leone's modern m...
Following the events of Messiah CompleX, X-Factor Investigations is in shambles. Jamie is a basket case from his trip to a nightmarish future, Layla's fate is completely in the air, and Wolfsbane has ...
When Robert Z. Aliber's The International Money Game first appeared in 1973, it was widely acclaimed as the best - and most entertaining - introduction to the arcane mysteries of international finance...
A fully revised update to the first edition, "AI Game Engine Programming, Second Edition" provides game developers with the tools and information they need to create modern game AI engines. Covering t...
Książeczka do nauki języka niemieckiego przedstawiona w formie opowiadania z pytaniami na końcu.
Do you love video games? Do you want to learn how to make them yourself? Welcome to 3D Game Programming for Teens, Second Edition, a how-to resource for anyone interested in creating a video game. Wri...
Strategy, Second Edition, is a thorough revision and update of one of the most successful Game Theory texts available. Known for its accurate and simple-yet-thorough presentation, Joel Watson has refi...
Armed with this invaluable resource, both students and professionals will have at their fingertips a comprehensive guide to important mechanisms and phenomena in homologation.
Just when Alice was getting used to life in Wonderland, a wild card appears that changes everything: the enigmatic Joker. Now the dangers are even greater as Alice must dodge bullets and stave off psy...
In Wonderland's April Season, Alice can enjoy some seasonal treats for a change—like a summer festival and even Halloween! But every time she travels between domains, she must first beat the Joker at ...
April season stretches on in Wonderland, giving Alice a chance to enjoy Nightmare's winter festival. But the seasons are shifting, and Joker, the gatekeeper for Alice's travels, guards more than the d...
In the quest to free her sister, Alice faces terrible truths. Something about her life in her old world is tangling her up inside, and it's not just her residual feelings about her lost love. Now, in ...
“I COULD LOCK HER AWAY AND MAKE HER MINE, IF I FELT LIKE IT. BUT THAT WOULDN’T FIX THE PROBLEM, WOULD IT?” Alice may have chosen her suitor, but the specter of Joker looms over April Season, while h...
The most comprehensive resource available for students and bench chemists navigating the ever-growing group of named reactions and reagents Contains detailed reaction schemes and mechanism illustratio...
This is the third volume of the Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications. Since the publication of multi-Volume 1 a decade ago, game theory has continued to develop at a furious pace, and to...
Sams Teach Yourself JAVA 6 in 21 Days, Fifth Edition continues to be one of the most popular, best-selling Java tutorials on the market. Written by an expert technical writer, it has been acclaimed fo...
Dreamweaver is Macromedia's sophisticated and powerful tool for professional website design and production. It is used for everything from designing home pages to full-scale commercial websites, and i...