
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sciezka social", znaleziono 11

The Individuality of a Scholar and Advancement of Social Science. The Scholarship of Antoni Kukliński.
The Individuality of a Scholar and Advancement of Social Science. The Scholarship of Antoni Kukliński.

Tom podsumowujący działalność naukową i edytorską prof. Antoniego Kuklińskiego. Wydany z okazji 80. urodzin profesora. Tom w języku angielskim. From Editor's note: We would like to take this opportun...

Realism Philosophy & Social Science
Realism Philosophy & Social Science
Kathryn Dean

The authors examine the nature of the relationship between social science and philosophy and address the sort of work social science should do, and the role and sorts of claims that an accompanying ph...

Doing Social Science Research
Doing Social Science Research

Doing Social Science Research gives an introductory overview of the process of social research, from research design to data collection and analysis. It provides students and teachers with a mix of re...

Quantitative Methods in Social Science
Quantitative Methods in Social Science
Stephen Gorard

This clever scheme builds on Gorard's previous book, Quantitative Methods in Educational Research. He has revised the original book in the light of experience and feedback, and has reworked it so that...

Doing Your Social Science Dissertation
Doing Your Social Science Dissertation
J. Burnett

Judith Burnett helps students to rise to the dissertation challenge, making the most of the opportunities which a dissertation offers and overcoming the obstacles to successful completion. This book t...

Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science
Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science
S. Alatas

"Asian Social Science" situates Asian social sciences in the global context in terms of the perspectives that have evolved and the contributions they have made to the general body of knowledge in the ...

Handbook for Social Science Field Research
Handbook for Social Science Field Research
Ellen Perecman

"A Handbook for Social Science Field Research" contains a collection of essays and bibliographies providing both novice and experienced scholars with valuable and accessible insights, as well as refer...

How to Succeed in Your Social Science Degree
How to Succeed in Your Social Science Degree
H. Arksey

'As a guide to living and studying at university, this book goes beyond describing basic study skills and instead invites the reader to use ideas from sociology to make sense of the role of being a st...

Social History of Science in Colonial India
Social History of Science in Colonial India
I. Habib

This volume contains landmark writings on the issues related to science and colonialism in South Asia from a variety of scientific disciplines.

Social Intelligence The New Science of Success
Social Intelligence The New Science of Success
Karl Albrecht

Karl Albrecht defines social intelligence (SI) as the ability to get along well with others while winning their cooperation. SI is a combination of sensitivity to the needs and interests of others, so...

Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy
Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy
P. Winch

In the fiftieth anniversary of this book's first release, Winch's argument remains as crucial as ever. Originally published in 1958, "The Idea of a Social Science and Its Relation to Philosophy" was a...

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