
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sensor endem", znaleziono 24

Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
M. Itskov

There is a large gap between the engineering course of tensor algebra on the one side and the treatment of linear transformations within classical linear algebra on the other side. The aim of this mod...

Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers 2e
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers 2e
M. Itskov

There is a large gap between the engineering course in tensor algebra on the one hand and the treatment of linear transformations within classical linear algebra on the other hand. The aim of this mod...

Optical Sensors Basics and Applications
Optical Sensors Basics and Applications
J. Haus

Providing an overview of the necessary components and the range of applications from light-barriers to high-resolution surface-scanning interferometers, this is a valuable introduction to the technolo...

Information Processing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networ
Information Processing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networ
Y. Yu

This book presents state-of-the-art cross-layer optimization techniques for energy-efficient information processing and routing in wireless sensor networks. Besides providing a survey on this importan...

Wireless Sensor Networks Principles and Practice
F. Hu

Capable of providing a high order of spatial and effective resolution for an ever-increasing number of applications, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) still pose a few unresolved challenges and optimiza...

Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks
Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks
S. Haykin

A handbook on recent advancements and the state of the art in array processing and sensor Networks Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks provides readers with a collection of tutorial artic...

Security in RFID and Sensor Networks
Security in RFID and Sensor Networks
Y. Zhang

Interest in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) recently exploded globally in both industry and academia, but security is one of the key issues standing in the way of broad deployment of RFID system...

Mechatronic Systems Sensors and Actuators
R. Bishop

With updated coverage on all aspects of mechatronics, "The Mechatronics Handbook, Second Edition" is now available as a set of four books. Each installment offers focused coverage of a particular area...

Nucleic Acid Switches and Sensors
Nucleic Acid Switches and Sensors
S. Silverman

In this book, seven chapters describe studies aimed at understanding and exploiting the key features of such molecular RNA and DNA devices. In the first section of the book, four chapters are devoted ...

Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations
Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations
Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Cichocki, Rafał Zdunek, Anh Huy Phan, Shun-ichi Amari

This book provides a broad survey of models and efficient algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF). This includes NMF’s various extensions and modifications, especially Nonnegative Tenso...

Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks
Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks
H. Karl

Wireless sensor networks will revolutionise applications such as environmental monitoring, home automation, and logistics. Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks provides a thorough ...

Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks. Theory And Applications
Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks. Theory And Applications
Dharma Prakash Agrawal, Carlos de Morais Cordeiro

This book introduces a new explanatory cross-layer model specifically designed to understand all aspects of ad hoc and sensor networking, from design through performance issues to application requirem...

Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
Azzedine Boukerche

A one-stop resource for the use of algorithms and protocols in wireless sensor networks From an established international researcher in the field, this edited volume provides readers with comprehens...

Self organization in Sensor and Actor Networks
Self organization in Sensor and Actor Networks
Falko Dressler

"Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks" explores self-organization mechanisms and methodologies concerning the efficient coordination between intercommunicating autonomous systems. Self-organ...

Sensors for Environment Health and Security
Sensors for Environment Health and Security
M. Baraton

The growing concern worldwide for air pollution, biological threats and security issues has led to an increasing demand for sensors in multiple application areas, thus calling for a fast development o...

Sensors and Control Systems in Manufacturing
Sensors and Control Systems in Manufacturing
S. Soloman

Thoroughly updated with cutting-edge technologies, this detailed resource offers proven methods for effectively evaluating, selecting, and implementing sensors and controls to ensure error-free manufa...

Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Network
Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Network
E. Cayirci

This advanced book is a comprehensive guide to security issues in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. The book is organized into two main sections. The first, gives an introduction to the fundamental...

Advances in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Advances in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
M. Cheng

Wireless ad hoc networks, mobile or static, have special resource requirements and topology features, which make them different from classic computer networks in resource management, routing, media ac...

Functional Thin Films and Nanostructures for Sensors
Functional Thin Films and Nanostructures for Sensors
Anis Zribi

This book will discuss advances in the area of functional thin films for sensors and novel concepts for future breakthroughs. The focus will be on guidelines and design rules for sensor systems, inter...

CVD Diamond for Electronic Devices and Sensors
CVD Diamond for Electronic Devices and Sensors
R. Sussman

The book will be composed of six sections: introduction, radiation sensors, active electronic devices, biosensors, MEMs and electrochemistry. The introduction will present the properties of diamond, d...

Differential Tensor Algebras and their Module Categories
Differential Tensor Algebras and their Module Categories
R. Bautista

A detailed account of main results in the theory of differential tensor algebras.

Atlas of the Sensory Organs: Functional and Clinical Anatomy
Atlas of the Sensory Organs: Functional and Clinical Anatomy
András Csillag

A richly illustrated medical atlas of the five main human sensory systems together with their neural pathways, from primary sensation to processing by the brain. The authors provide a detailed anatomi...

Improving the Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Fresh Meat
Improving the Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Fresh Meat
J. Kerry

Understanding of the scientific basis of quality attributes in meat is becoming more advanced, providing more effective approaches to the control of meat eating and technological quality. This importa...

Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries
Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries

Z recenzji wydawniczej: "The rate of the changes is of significant importance and specifically affects the seniors’ lives. Elders, due to their age and changing social position, are often deprived of...

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