Hlavním tématem publikace je jedna z největších celostátních akcí bezpečnostního aparátu komunistického režimu v Československu. V rámci akce s krycím názvem „Sever“ vybrané složky ministerstva vnitra...
In Never Bet the Farm two leading entrepreneurs, Anthony Iaquinto and Stephen Spinelli, turn much of the so-called expert advice for entrepreneurs on its head. They show that by preparing for setbacks...
With Peter Drucker's five essential questions and the help of five of today's thought leaders, this little book will challenge readers to take a close look at the very heart of their organizations and...
Did you know that the word "travel" is derived from an instrument of torture? That "tragedy" originally was something to do with goats? That "grammar" and "glamour" started out as one and the same wor...
A fascinating evaluation of our genetic origins.
The history the Chinese Communist Party has tried to erase: the dramatic political debates of the 1980s that could have put China on a path to greater openness. On a hike in Guangdong Province in ...
Section 1, "Fundamentals", provides a step-by-step overview of an interiors project, describing the scope of professional services, the project schedule, and the design and presentation tools used by ...