
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sf na enon", znaleziono 31

Vlsi-Design of Non-Volatile Memories
Vlsi-Design of Non-Volatile Memories
G. Campardo

"VLSI-Design for Non-Volatile Memories" is intended for electrical engineers and graduate students who want to enter into the integrated circuit design world. Non-volatile memories are treated as an e...

Critical Behavior of Non-Ideal Systems
Critical Behavior of Non-Ideal Systems
D. Ivanov

This comprehensive systematic overview covers the static and dynamic critical phenomena of real, non-ideal fluids in the nearest vicinity of the critical point, offers new approaches and presents rese...

Lectures on Non-Equilibrium Theory of Condensed Matter
Lectures on Non-Equilibrium Theory of Condensed Matter
L. Banyai

This book discusses in depth many of the key problems in non-equilibrium physics. The origin of macroscopic irreversible behavior receives particular attention and is illustrated in the framework of s...

Non Surgical Treatment of Keratinocyte Skin Cancer
Non Surgical Treatment of Keratinocyte Skin Cancer
G. Jemec

With more and more patients suffering from field cancerisation, an alternative for repeated surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer is becoming necessary. Although surgery ...

The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures. Vol. 3
The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures. Vol. 3
Katarzyna Szoblik

Vol. 3: Entre el arte y el ritual. Las manifestaciones artísticas en México Pre-colonial y Colonial, y sus supervivencias actuals, editado por Katarzyna Szoblik

The artistic traditions of non-european cultures vol.2
The artistic traditions of non-european cultures vol.2
Bogna Łakomska

Tom poświęcony kulturom pozaeuropejskim, przygotowany przez historyków sztuki i specjalistów z pokrewnych dyscyplin z Polski i Tajwanu. Dotyczy badań nad sztuką Orientu oraz innych kultur pozaeuropejs...

The artistic traditions of non-european cultures vol.4
The artistic traditions of non-european cultures vol.4

Silk Road is one of the most important trade routes connecting the Far East with the West. Stretched from Japan to the countries of Western Europe it also became one of the most important cultural ...

Nie-pieskie życie Kulki / A non-dog’s life of Kulka
Nie-pieskie życie Kulki / A non-dog’s life of Kulka
Ewa Suchecka

Książka dwujęzyczna – z jednej strony czytasz po polsku, z drugiej po angielsku. Zobacz też drugą książeczkę z serii: Historia zwyczajna Kropelki kota niezwykłego. Wszystko wskazywało na to, że Kulk...

The attitudes of employees in the public and non-govermental sector towards local partnership supporting the labour market
The attitudes of employees in the public and non-govermental sector towards local partnership supporting the labour market
Anna Kanios

Based on pioneering empirical research, the study by Anna Kanios successfully addresses the question about what facts influence the attitudes of employees in the public and non-govermental sector towa...

Europa nieprowincjonalna : przemiany na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (Białoruś, Litwa, Łotwa, Ukraina, wschodnie pogranicze III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) w latach 1772-1999 = Non-provincial Europe : changes on the eastern territories of th
Europa nieprowincjonalna : przemiany na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (Białoruś, Litwa, Łotwa, Ukraina, wschodnie pogranicze III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) w latach 1772-1999 = Non-provincial Europe : changes on the eastern territories of th

PL: Najobszerniejsza praca zbiorowa(124 autorów, 116 tekstów), poświęcona wschodnim ziemiom dawnej Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1772- 1999. Autorzy książki, reprezentujący różne szkoły pojmowania przeszł...

Economics of Non-Selfish Behaviour
Economics of Non-Selfish Behaviour
Stephan Meier

In standard economic theory human beings are portrayed as selfish money-maximizing actors. This book investigates the conditions under which people deviate from this prediction and when they are prepa...

None of us will return
None of us will return
Charlotte Delbo
Seria: Testimonies from Auschwitz

Handbook of Powders of Non-Ferrous Metals
Handbook of Powders of Non-Ferrous Metals
Oleg D. Neikov

The manufacture and use of the powders of non-ferrous metals has been taking place for many years in what was previously Soviet Russia, and a huge amount of knowledge and experience has built up in th...

Managerial Economics of Non-Profit Organizations
M. Jegers

This is the first book of its kind to bring together the microeconomic insights on the functioning of non-profit organizations, complementing the wide range of books on the management of non-profit or...

Handbook of Non-Woven Filter Media
Handbook of Non-Woven Filter Media
I. Hutten

The increasing importance of non-woven filter media is due in part to their versatility: they are used in the pre-filtration of liquids, protection of membrane filters, gaseous filtration, the automot...

Mass Spectrometry of Non Covalent Complexes
Mass Spectrometry of Non Covalent Complexes
C. Schalley

Except as a method for the most basic measurements, mass spectrometry (MS) has long been considered incompatible with supramolecular chemistry. Yet, with today's methods, the disconnect between these ...

Non-Neoplastic Disorders of Bone Marrow
Non-Neoplastic Disorders of Bone Marrow
K. Foucar

This fascicle on non-neoplastic disorders is devoted to the assessment of bone marrow in pediatric and adult patients. Although the emphasis is clearly on the successful diagnosis of non-neoplastic bo...

Surgical Pathology of Non-Neoplastic Lung Disease
Surgical Pathology of Non-Neoplastic Lung Disease
Anna-Luise A. Katzenstein

Here's a practical, concise manual for diagnosing biopsy specimens. It clarifies accepted diagnostic criteria for non-neoplastic lung diseases; establishes new criteria where needed; and emphasizes t...

Handbook of Non-Invasive Drug Delivery Systems
Handbook of Non-Invasive Drug Delivery Systems
V. Kulkarni

With the improvements in formulation science and certain transdermal delivery technologies, the non-invasive mode of drug delivery is now ready to compete with traditional methods of oral and injectib...

Non-destructive Micro Analysis of Cultural Heritage Material
Non-destructive Micro Analysis of Cultural Heritage Material
K. Janssens

This book provides the scientific and technical background materials of non-destructive methods of microscopic analysis that are suitable for analysing works of art, museum pieces and archeaological a...

Frying of Food Oxidation Nutriet & Non-Nutriet Autioxidants
Frying of Food Oxidation Nutriet & Non-Nutriet Autioxidants
Dimitrios Boskou

Frying of oils and fats in relation to nutritive and non-nutritive antioxidantsStabilization of frying oils by novel antioxidants obtained from natural sourcesTwo new approaches for the assessment of ...

Linear and non linear numerical analysis of foundations
Linear and non linear numerical analysis of foundations
J. Bull

The correct understanding, design and analysis of foundations that support structures are fundamental to the safety of those structures. Witness the leaning tower of Pisa, which if built a short dista...

None of Us is As Good As All of Us
None of Us is As Good As All of Us
P. Harris

An inside account of how McDonald's turns diversity into success Everyone knows McDonald's, one of the most recognizable brand names in the world. But few know the extent to which McDonald's continued...

Non-linear Modeling and Analysis of Solids and Structures
Non-linear Modeling and Analysis of Solids and Structures
S. Krenk

This book presents a theoretical treatment of nonlinear behaviour of solids and structures in such a way that it is suitable for numerical computation, typically using the Finite Element Method. Start...

Non-Neuronal Cells of the Nervous System Function & Dysfunct
Non-Neuronal Cells of the Nervous System Function & Dysfunct
M. Hertz

The brain, and the rest of the nervous system, consists of nerve cells (neurons) and non-neuronal cells (glial cells), which by far outnumber the neurons, but in the past have received much less atten...

Handbook of Non-Invasive Cardiac Testing (Hodder Arnold Publication)
Handbook of Non-Invasive Cardiac Testing (Hodder Arnold Publication)
A. McGhie

This compact handbook focuses on all types of non-invasive cardiac testing to describe concisely all aspects of the techniques involved. For each test, a concise description of the underlying principl...

The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures. Vol. 7/8
The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures. Vol. 7/8

This publication, which is a part of an ongoing project entitled “Collections – Encounters – Inspirations: Japanese Art in Central and Eastern Europe till 1919 and beyond”, commemorates the 100th ann...

The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 9/10
The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 9/10

Homelessness can be understood and interpreted in a variety of ways. On the one hand, it can be taken literally as the lack of a physical, material residence (a home, but also a country). At other ti...

Non-Neoplastic Disorders of the Lower Respiratory Tract v 2
Non-Neoplastic Disorders of the Lower Respiratory Tract v 2
W. Travis

This second fascicle of the Atlas of Nontumor Pathology addresses one of the most difficult areas in surgical pathology. Recognizing the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the successful diagnos...

A Transnational Strategy for Social Innovation in the Integration of Non-EU Nationals
A Transnational Strategy for Social Innovation in the Integration of Non-EU Nationals
Monika Klein, Monika Spychalska-Wojtkiewicz

The number of people willing to settle and take up employment on the territory of the European Union has increased in recent years (especially in 2022) which placed the EU’s migration policy in the fo...

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