
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sf na sa ani", znaleziono 35

Life - As a Matter of Fat
Life - As a Matter of Fat
O. Mouritsen

LIFE - as a Matter of FatLipidomics is the science of the fats called lipids. Lipids are as important for life as proteins, sugars, and genes. The present book presents a multi-disciplinary perspectiv...

Renewable energy as an indicator of modern economy
Renewable energy as an indicator of modern economy

This publication, which contains several articles, is aimed at providing a review of the risks related to overexploitation of the natural environment, stemming from utilization of non-renewable energy...

Coaching as a method of developing human potential
Coaching as a method of developing human potential

Obecnie stopniowo krystalizuje się obszar, który można by nazwać naukową podstawą coachingu. Prowadzi się badania nad warunkami jego efektywności oraz testuje praktyczne metody i techniki używane podc...

Self-education as a strategy of life (wydanie anglojęzyczne)
Self-education as a strategy of life (wydanie anglojęzyczne)
Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska

Napisana w języku angielskim książka pt. Self-education as a strategy of life. The psycholinguistic profile ofthe Polish student of English (Pl. Autodydaktyczna forma edukacji jako strategia życia. Pr...

European Court of Human Rights as a Pathway to Impunity
European Court of Human Rights as a Pathway to Impunity
S. Grover

This book presents contentious case rulings by the European Court of Human Rights providing extensive case notes and questions. The book elucidates just how the Court came in those cases to contribute...

The Limits of Naturalism: A Game. Theoretic Critique of Justice as Mutual Advantage
The Limits of Naturalism: A Game. Theoretic Critique of Justice as Mutual Advantage
Wojciech Załuski

Książka jest rozprawą z zakresu filozofii moralnej. Stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o możliwość skonstruowania naturalistycznej - odwołującej się do takich założeń filozoficznych jak racjonalność ...

Activity rules of economic man in society as the source of legal norms
Activity rules of economic man in society as the source of legal norms
Anna Dybała, Paweł Chmielnicki, Michał Stachura

The book describes the reasons for the correlation between changes in the number of universally valid legal acts introduced and changes in the national economy. This book is addressed mainly to people...

Reading as Interpretation. Towards a Narrative Theory of Fictional World Construction
Reading as Interpretation. Towards a Narrative Theory of Fictional World Construction

"Reading as Interpretation. Towards a Narrative Theory of Fictional World Construction" podejmuje próbę skonstruowania kognitywnego modelu narrotologicznego opisującego mechanizm interpretacji tekstu ...

Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanis
Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanis
Ewa Suwara

The dissertation is a novel study on the Polish literature market. In an interesting manner, it presents an important issue in terms of economy and state institutions, namely, public procurement. Her ...

Socialized Fiction: Role-Playing Games as a Multidimensional Space of Interaction between Literary Theory and Practice
Socialized Fiction: Role-Playing Games as a Multidimensional Space of Interaction between Literary Theory and Practice

Rozprawa pani Agaty Zarzyckiej jest udaną próbą wprzęgnięcia post strukturalistycznych narzędzi badawczych w analizę zjawiska narracyjnych gier fabularnych. Choć same gry są obecne w kulturze już dobr...

As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams
As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams

As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams is a unique autobiography in which the anonymous writer known as Lady Sarashina intersperses personal reflections, anecdotes and lyrical poems with accounts of her tra...

Axioeventism as a Philosophical Concept of Everything
Axioeventism as a Philosophical Concept of Everything
Władysław W. Skarbek

Axioeventism is a philosophical position that involves three main assumptions. Firstly, it embraces the concept of Total Reality (TR), which encompasses the Ontic Universum (OU) and the Reality of Ab...

None of Us is As Good As All of Us
None of Us is As Good As All of Us
P. Harris

An inside account of how McDonald's turns diversity into success Everyone knows McDonald's, one of the most recognizable brand names in the world. But few know the extent to which McDonald's continued...

Handbook of Agricultural Economics vol.1A
Handbook of Agricultural Economics vol.1A
B. Gardner

This first volume of the "Handbook of Agricultural Economics" presents work on topics central to the economics of agriculture: the quantitative representation of technology; market expectations; house...

Handbook of Econometrics v 6A
Handbook of Econometrics v 6A
J. Heckman

The essential surveys in the field of econometrics continues with volumes 6a and 6b edited by Nobel Laureate James Heckman & Edward Leamer.

As If It Were Life
As If It Were Life
P. Manes

The beautifully written diary of a German-Jewish merchant living in the notorious Theresienstadt ghetto, a rare historical document that sheds new light on the intricacies of the Nazi machine.

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci

This selection reveals a true Renaissance man, whose habit of rigorous enquiry, observation, and experiment, grounded in a philosophic system, led him to conceive of the universe as an organized cosmo...

Stable Isotopes As Indicators of Ecologi
Stable Isotopes As Indicators of Ecologi
Todd E. Dawson

The 20th century has experienced environmental changes that appear to be unprecedented in their rate and magnitude during the Earths history. For the first time, this special volume brings together a ...

Handbook of Economic Growth v 1a
Handbook of Economic Growth v 1a
Philippe Aghion

"The Handbooks in Economics" series continues to provide the various branches of economics with handbooks, which are definitive reference sources, suitable for use by professional researchers, advance...

Capitalism as If the World Matters
Capitalism as If the World Matters
J. Porritt

When first published in 2005, Capitalism as if the World Matters, by one of the leading eco-warriors of our time, shocked both a generation of environmentalists and a generation of business people by ...

Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice
Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice
D. Golsorkhi

The Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice provides the first comprehensive overview of an emerging and growing stream of research in strategic management. An international team of scholars has be...

Arts as a Weapon of War
Arts as a Weapon of War

An original piece of work on an unusual subject. This work is a strong social and cultural history with new information on many institutions familiar today (e.g. BBC, National Theatre) and it is a fas...

Outline of Sociology as Applied to Medicine 5ed
Outline of Sociology as Applied to Medicine 5ed
D. Armstrong

As more medical care becomes community-based, so it becomes more important for medical practitioners to have a firm understanding of the relationship between health care and the society in which it oc...

Agriculture as a Producer & Consumer of Energy
Agriculture as a Producer & Consumer of Energy
Joe L. Outlaw

Recent concerns about energy security in the developed world have drawn greater attention to agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Agriculturally derived energy sources such as etha...

Handbook of Economic Growth v 1A,B
Handbook of Economic Growth v 1A,B
Philippe Aghion

The Handbooks in Economics series continues to provide the various branches of economics with handbooks which are definitive reference sources, suitable for use by professional researchers, advanced g...

Notebooks Of Leonardo Da Vinci v 2
Notebooks Of Leonardo Da Vinci v 2

Volume 2 of two-volume set. Total of 1566 extracts reveal full range of Leonardos versatile genius: his writings on painting, sculpture, architecture, anatomy, mining, inventions, music. Dual Italian-...

History of Economic Thought as Intellectual Discipline
History of Economic Thought as Intellectual Discipline
Denis Patrick O'Brien

This book restates the importance of the study of the history of ideas, in the context of the writings of economists. After an initial statement, a case study involving five methodological detours is ...

Usborne Book of Inventors (from Da Vinci to Biro)
Usborne Book of Inventors (from Da Vinci to Biro)
S. Reid

Illustrations, cutaway diagrams, and step-by-step guides recreate the excitement of discovery in this fascinating history of the men and women behind the world's biggest technological developments.

First World War as a Clash of Cultures
First World War as a Clash of Cultures
F. Bridgham

This volume of essays examines the perceived rift between the British and German intellectual and cultural traditions before 1914 and how the resultant war of words both reflects and helped determine ...

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