Mad kręci SF to pierwszy album z serii MAD, w której ukazują się humorystyczne komiksy na aktualne tematy. Zbiór zawiera najzabawniejsze historyjki związane z gatunkiem science fiction.
Thermonuclear reactions in stars is a major topic in the field of nuclear astrophysics, and deals with the topics of how precisely stars generate their energy through nuclear reactions, and how these ...
Krytyczne sytuacje wymagają niezwykłych działań Dołącz do elitarnej jednostki Legii Cudzoziemskiej, wysłanej do Francji na tajną misję z upoważnienia samego prezydenta. Podczas gdy wokół szaleją niez...
An authoritative companion to the climactic final chapter in the new Star Wars trilogy, this essential visual guide to Star Wars Episode IX explores the world of the movie in unparalleled detail. St...
A reprieve from post-war austerity, the 1950s epitomized a time of glamour with its film icons and automobiles, which are admired and emulated to this day. Nothing said, "You've made it," quite like g...
Album z pocztówkami ukazującymi Łódź z przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Pocztówki pochodzą z kolekcji Jerzego Rosiaka. Ambicją kolekcjonera było zgromadzenie najstarszych, a przez to najcenniejszych kart ukaz...
Getting cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi and being rejected by his former Sith Master Darth Sidious isn't going to defeat Darth Maul. In fact, it only makes him mad enough to take on the galaxy - with a...
In the aftermath of the Hyperspace Disaster, young Jedi Knight, Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii, a newly inhabited planet in the Inugg system far in the oute...
How did the curry get here and how did the Brits, a nation famed for a love of bland food, end up with Chicken Tikka Masala as their favourite dish? It is a history that took curry, via the British Em...
In the bitter winter of 1847, from an Ireland torn by famine and injustice, the Star of the Sea sets sail for NewYork. On board are hundreds of refugees, some optimistic, many more desperate. Among th...
Two thousand years ago, according to the Bible, a star rose low in the east and stopped high above Bethlehem. Was it a miracle, a sign from God to herald the birth of Christ? Was there a star at all, ...
Two 'New York Times' bestselling novels have been packaged together in one block-buster volume, along with an exclusive CD-ROM containing the never-before-seen visual script created at George Lucas's ...
Snook po panice towarzyszącej zbliżaniu się do Ziemi planety z antymaterii, ląduje w Afryce na posadzie nauczyciela języka angielskiego. Po pewnym czasie jego uczniowie zaczynają widzieć duchy.
After years of civil war, the Separatists have battered the already faltering Republic nearly to the point of collapse. On Coruscant, the Senate watches anxiously as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine aggre...
'I knew then that there were some things not even Ruby could keep from mefor ever and this was one of them. We were coloured girls in a white worldthat didn't want us.' Born on the wrong side of a rac...
?Tense and compelling.? James Swallow, Sunday Times bestselling author of NOMAD North Korea and the USA are on the brink of war A young American woman disappears without trace from a South Korean isla...
Artemis' life completely changed when she met Ares and learned of her true genetics. Achilles comes to her and her life is changed yet again as she learns more about herself and Ares' past. Now nothin...
Sawada Tsunayoshi is regular boy who has never excelled in sports, school or social life, thus being named "No Good Tsuna". Everyday, he leads just a normal life, living with his mother, while his fat...
The day that Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives in London to start a new life at boarding school is also the day a series of brutal murders breaks out over the city, killings mimicking the horrif...
Raidon Kane survived his clash against the eldest aboleth, but came away with his mind shattered. Destiny hands Raidon one last chance to avert the Abolethic Sovereignty's agenda, but only if he can f...
Tattoos with hearts, minds, and dreams. Created to be the armor that protects my body, these obsidian shadows come alive at night—demons made flesh. After the Aetar nearly kill Maxine’s unborn child,...
Fate: It is an idea as old as life itself. Do our choices shape the future, or is it the other way around? And if the path we walk is predestined -- if the way we are to meet our end is knowable -- wh...
The sequel to the international bestseller City of Masks . The time periodis the same - C16 Talia as a parallel world version of Italy - but thesetting has moved from Bellezza (Venice) to Remora (Sien...
This unique encyclopedia provides a fascinating and fully comprehensive description of stars and their natures and is filled with beautiful color images. The book begins by telling the story of astron...
Tracing the rise of two great theories, relativity and quantum mechanics, which meet head on in black holes, "Empire of the Stars" is the dramatic story of an intellectual feud and its implications fo...
An atmospheric and romantic debut fantasy perfect for fans of Ash and The Winner’s Curse. Betrothed since childhood to the prince of Mynaria, Princess Dennaleia has always known what her future holds...
Forty years after the Battle of Yavin a dangerous new era in the Star Warsepic begins-the revelations are shocking, the stakes desperate, and theenemy everywhere. As civil war threatens the unity of t...
A new era of exciting adventures and shocking revelations continues tounfold, as the legendary Star Wars saga sweeps forward into astonishingnew territory. Civil war looms as the fledgling Galactic Al...
The circle is complete, and Darth Vader will emerge as the thrilling series nears its imminent finale. Get caught up in the adventure one last time and discover the truth behind the downfall of the Je...
The Emperor. The Ewoks. Jabba the Hutt. The climactic lightsaber battle . . . an amazing all-new novelization tying into the massive DVD release of the classic Star Wars movies.