A delightful distinguished classic, the winner of the 1978 Nobel prize forLiterature, retells seven stories from middle European Folklore.
Yasha the magician - sword swallower, fire eater, acrobat and master of escape - is famed for his extraordinary Houdini-like skills. Half Jewish, half Gentile, a free thinker who slips easily between ...
'He scampered over rooftops, swam in deep water, leapt from balconies.' Set in the vanished world of the shtetl of nineteenth-century eastern Europe, this spellbinding fable tells the story of Yasha: ...
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is a philosopher of enduring influence. The author of such cornerstones of the philosophical canon as The Phenomenology of Spirit, he is a notoriously difficult philosop...
For many agricultural crops, bees play a vital role as pollinators, and this book discusses the interplay among bees, agriculture, and the environment. Although honey bees are well recognized as polli...