Pięć pokoleń kobiet. Chcą być piękne i kochane, muszą zawalczyć o siebie i swoje szczęście. Historia rozpoczyna się w małym miasteczku, a kończy w wielkim mieście. Jest jak rodzinny album z pożółkłymi...
Pięć pokoleń kobiet. Chcą być piękne i kochane, muszą zawalczyć o siebie i swoje szczęście. Historia rozpoczyna się w małym miasteczku, a kończy w wielkim mieście. Jest jak rodzinny album z pożółkłymi...
Kontynuacja słynnego cyklu Philippe'a Druilleta pt. Salambo. Komiks opowiada o przygodach kosmicznego pirata i awanturnika Lone Sloane'a. Zawiera sześć krótkich przygód tytułowego bohatera oraz dwie d...
Wielki Turniej Mocy trwa w najlepsze! Reprezentacja siódmego wszechświata robi co może, by odnieść zwycięstwo, jednak by to osiągnąć, przyjdzie im zmierzyć się z potężnymi przeciwnikami! Szósty wszec...
Trzeci, po Salambo i Lone Sloane, album zbiorczy opowiadający o przygodach kosmicznego pirata i awanturnika – Lone Sloane’a. Tom zawiera dwie opowieści: Gail i Chaos. Osią akcji jest wieloletnia walka...
Jesteś Samotnym Wilkiem - ostatnim z Lordów Kai. Do twej ojczyzny dotarły właśnie szokujące wieści. Okazuje się, że Vonotar Zdrajca wciąż żyje i rządzi teraz Lodowymi Barbarzyńcami w Kalte. Król poprz...
More Four! Fans of the Divergent series by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be thrilled by ‘The Son’, the third of four new short stories told from Four’s perspective. DIVER...
The fifth grade. The threshold to puberty, and the beginning of the end of childhood innocence. Shuichi Nitori and his new friend Yoshino Takatsuki have happy homes, loving families, and are well-like...
In the second volume of Shimura Takako's superb coming-of-age story, our transgendered protagonists, Shuichi and Yoshino, have entered the sixth grade. Shuichi spends a precious gift of cash from his ...
As shown in the first two volumes of this acclaimed series, Shuichi and his friend Yoshino have a secret: Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl, and Yoshino is a girl who wants to be a boy. But one...
In this latest volume, love is in the air. It's in the trees and on the streets. It's hanging on the walls and piled in great heaps on the floor. Or is it really love? These sixth and seventh graders ...
In this volume of the acclaimed series about transgendered kids exploring their unfolding identities, we’ve reached a big event; the junior high school entrance ceremony. The boys wear black uniform...
Shimura Takako's sensitive and charming series about two middle schoolers wrestling with their gender identities continues, with more role-reversal play fun this time around. The success of their pe...
Shimura Takako’s groundbreaking, critically acclaimed, and beloved Wandering Son continues to explore gender identity among its cast of middle school students in our 7th volume. Nitori-kun gets his ...
The best-selling Wicked, Maguire's adult spin on L. Frank Baum's classic, became a Tony Award-winning Broadway musical by contrast, this sequel is a typical middle book, a bridge to a better novel to ...
First released in the anthology Dead After Dark, dive into this hot novella from #1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward. Available for the first time ever as a standalone ebook, get lost in th...
Growing up in Afghanistan, Maryam was a plucky teenager who rebelled against the terrible second-class life that Afghan women had to endure. When Russia invaded, she made a risky public show of defian...
A new patient appears on Sigmund Freud’s roster. The initial session soon takes a dramatic turn when the man pulls a gun on Freud. The day before, he murdered his own father, and now he demands absolu...