W wielu firmach administrowaniem serwerami zajmuje się nie administrator, tylko pracownik, dla którego jest to tylko jedno z dziesiątek zadań. Takie osoby rzadko mają czas na poznawanie zawiłości admi...
Wszechstronny przewodnik po platformie Small Business Server 2003 Zainstaluj pakiet Small Business Server 2003 i naucz się nim administrować Zapewnij bezpieczeństwo serwera i stacji roboczych U...
Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć, by sprawnie wdrożyć i zabezpieczyć system SBS 2008! Jak zainstalować i skonfigurować SBS 2008? Jak udostępniać usługi jego użytkownikom? Jak zabezpieczać serwer ...
Poznaj i wykorzystaj możliwości najmniejszej dystrybucji Linuksa Jak uruchamiać DSL z różnych nośników? W jaki sposób dostosować DSL do własnych potrzeb? Jak zbudować serwer WWW w oparciu o DSL? Jedną...
Stereotypy z natury rzeczy opierają się na niedokładnej wiedzy i powszechnych opiniach. Także utarte poglądy na temat prowadzenia firmy mogą bardzo pomóc w jej… upadku. Wiadomo, że na polityce, piłce ...
Podręczny i szczegółowy przewodnik, zawierający gotowe odpowiedzi na liczne pytania dotyczące administrowania systemem Windows Small Business Server 2008. Przewodnik koncentruje się na najważniejszych...
Książka jest analitycznym studium procesów innowacji w małych przedsiębiorstwach oraz roli tych przedsiębiorstw w dynamizowaniu rozwoju lokalnego. Empiryczną podstawę pracy tworzą wyniki badań przepro...
Monografia skierowana jest przede wszystkim do czytelników polskich, a jedną z podstawowych przesłanek przyświecających jej autorowi jest wypełnienie luki informacyjnej i pogłębienie wiedzy na temat a...
Jack Barnes and Sam Fleetwood have been best friends since they met in foster care. They share a business as cattle ranchers and a house. All they need now is a woman to share. The men are sure they’v...
In this ebook short story, also available in the new, complete Jack Reacher short story collection No Middle Name, #1 Sunday Times bestselling author Lee Child goes back to 1989, when Jack Reacher is...
A frog's eye view of the animals and insects that live in a freshwater pond. Life in the pond is observed throughout the seasons and is depicted via collage illustrations.
Every scene is rich in implication, entrancing and disturbing at the sametime; the literary equivalent of a switch-back ride The Sunday Times,29/2/04 (The Sunday Times 20040501). [A] moving, funny, ho...
From initial inspiration to final layout - create your own small garden with the help of gardening design expert John Brookes. Whether you want a 'room outside' for leisure and entertainment or simply...
"The Contemporary Design in Details" series takes a highly visual look at architectural design details that are more often dealt with in a technical textbook format. The books take readers on a tour o...
Ginger Holtzman has fought for everything she’s ever had—the success of her tattoo shop, respect in the industry, her upcoming art show. Tough and independent, she has taking-no-crap down to an art fo...
The limitations of a tiny space, rather than inhibiting designers, oftenresult in some of the most innovative and exciting retail design. Thisbook brings together some of the best recent, innovative e...
Shows that just because living space is limited in scale, it does not haveto be limited in style. From planning and design to decor and furnishings,this title features visual examples that demonstrate...
The fourth edition of this text continues to cover entrepreneurial and small firm theory, concepts, evidence, policy and practice. This fully updated edition contains the latest research developments ...
Getting a business off the ground is only part of the challenge. What every entrepreneur needs is a handbook to guide them through every stage of actually running their business, from finance to marke...
The Requisites in Gastroenterology series clearly and succinctly encompasses all of the core knowledge in the field - providing the essential information students need for exams and acting as handy, p...
Diseases of the small intestine are an important part of gastroenterology. Small Bowel Disorders provides comprehensive information on this topic. Eighteen chapters are packed with important informati...
This is a reference for surveying all types of small craft. It has been revised, expanded and brought up to date, and is designed to assist professional surveyors and owners contemplating buying a sec...
'This volume incorporates current research and academic literature to provide an authoritative examination of small business performance from an entrepreneurial perspective. It will be of use to small...
As wireless devices and systems get both smaller and more ubiquitous, the demand for effective but small antennas is rapidly increasing. This book will describe the theory behind effective small anten...
The third edition of this classic textbook covers basic procedures such as spays, castrations, and declaws, as well as more advanced surgeries that might be referred to specialists such as craniotomy,...
The small petrol engine is an essential tool in many workplaces, especially in rural Australia. Whether it is a two or four stroke engine and powers a water pump or auger, lawn-mower or chainsaw, the ...
This comprehensive teacher resource accompanies "Edexcel GCSE Business Unit 1: Introduction to Small Business" and will provide all you need in order to teach unit 1. In addition to guidance on teachi...
This revised and expanded reference is a valuable aid for the practicing veterinary clinician in diagnosing and determining treatment for toxic exposures in small animals, and for veterinary students ...
For a comprehensive, easy-to-read, A-to-Z library of everything a small business owner would need to know about starting and succeeding in business, consult The Small Business Bible: Everything You Ne...