
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "smobil steel", znaleziono 6

E<E>E — Formuła Wszystkiego „Perpetuum Mobile”
E<E>E — Formuła Wszystkiego „Perpetuum Mobile”
Mn. Elia Kosiński, Imanuel Alex Nowicki

Książka „FREE Energy & perpetuum Mobile” to kolejna pozycja z cyklu, formuła wszystkiego E<E>E autor Mn. Elia analizuje (często w formie ciekawych dialogów) fenomen wolnej energii. Równolegle bada za...

Mobile Computing 6 vols
Mobile Computing 6 vols
D. Taniar

Continual enhancements and innovation in the mobile computing industry have redesigned and simplified the way businesses and individuals can communicate and conduct their everyday professional and soc...

Handbook of Research on Mobile Business 2 vols
Handbook of Research on Mobile Business 2 vols
B. Unhelkar

The Handbook of Research in Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological, and Social Perspectives is the premier reference source for the latest research and scientific findings in the constantly expand...

Mobile Government An Emerging Direction in E-Government
Mobile Government An Emerging Direction in E-Government
I. Kushchu

Mobility is no longer a technological revolution. It is more about how businesses and governments can provide a better social infrastructure through mobile applications and services. While e-governmen...

Encyclopedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications 3 vols
Encyclopedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications 3 vols
B. Furht

Electrical engineers, engineering students, and researchers have long required a comprehensive yet concise resource to turn to for reliable, up-to-date information on the continually evolving field of...

Encyclopedia of E-Commerce E-Government & Mobile 2 vols
Encyclopedia of E-Commerce E-Government & Mobile 2 vols
M. Khosrow Pour

The Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce provides the most inclusive and up-to-date coverage of the e-technologies field. This two-volume encyclopedia includes quality contrib...

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