With in depth coverage of multifaceted problems and their solutions, this book reviews nano/micro studies of different coatings, bioengineering, lubricants and additives, system problems including rel...
In the international bestseller "Roma", Steven Saylor told the story of thefirst thousand years of Rome by following the descendants of a singlebloodline. Now, in "Empire", Saylor charts the destinies...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Germanistik - ältere Deutsche Literatur, Mediävistik, einseitig bedruckt, Note: -, Universität Mannheim, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Äußerliche Erscheinu...
Powtórzenie pierwszego wydania tego tomu wierszy Kästnera, które ukazało się w 1936 roku.
An invincible empire threatens to invade Cathay, and only a Dragon Song can ensure peace. After vanquishing the Last Dragon with the power of her voice, all Kaiya wants is a quiet life of anonymity. ...
The aim of this study is to analyse of the history of θέμις and δίκη in the early Greek literature, i.e., Homer and Hesiod. The subject has been discussed for a very elong time and our survey is suppo...
The dramatic and inspiring account of the very first attempt to climb Mount Everest, published to coincide with the centenary of the expedition of 1922. The first attempt on Everest in 1922 by George...