
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sobie estate", znaleziono 46

Dictionary of real estate market
Dictionary of real estate market
Roman Kozierkiewicz

Prezentowany angielsko-polski i polsko-angielski słownik terminów rynku nieruchomości w obu wersjach językowych zawiera blisko 10 000 haseł. Obejmuje on m.in. takie dziedziny, jak: finansowanie transa...

Investment on the real estate market
Investment on the real estate market

Książka łączy wiele ciekawych i bardzo aktualnych wątków praktycznych oraz badawczych dotyczących inwestowania na rynku nieruchomości zarówno w skali lokalnej, krajowej oraz międzynarodowej. W szczegó...

Real Estate Investments Trusts (REITs). Efektywne inwestowanie na rynku nieruchomości
Real Estate Investments Trusts (REITs). Efektywne inwestowanie na rynku nieruchomości
Grzegorz Mizerski, Adam Glapiński

Książka jest próbą przybliżenia zasad funkcjonowania funduszy dywidendowych typu REITs. Jej lektura pozwoli czytelnikowi zapoznać się z rozwiązaniami dotyczącymi REITs, ocenić ich atrakcyjność inwesty...

6 wydań
Izaak Baszewis Singer

„Spuścizna” jest kontynuacją losów bohaterów opisanych w powieści „Dwór”. Bohaterem pierwszej części cyklu był Kalman Jakobi, w „Spuściźnie” na pierwszy plan wysuwa się jego zięć, psychiatra Azriel ...

Nowe życie
2 wydania
Nowe życie
Sara Orwig
Seria: Harlequin Gorący Romans

Nikt nie wywarł na Laurze Hunter tak wielkiego wrażenia, jak przystojny mężczyzna o imieniu Eli. Zauroczona spędziła z nim całą noc. Jednak rano dowiedziała się, że jest synem z poprzedniego małżeństw...

Dziedzictwo Belton
2 wydania
Dziedzictwo Belton
Anthony Trollope

Klara mieszka ze schorowanym ojcem w posiadłości w Belton. W wyniku hulaszczego życia i samobójstwa brata dziewczyna traci majątek na rzecz kuzyna, który ma przejąć dziedzictwo po śmierci jej ojca. Dw...

Piękne lato
Piękne lato
Cesare Pavese
Seria: Współczesna Proza Światowa

"Piękne lato", książka nagrodzona Premio Strega w 1950 roku, tak oto była prezentowana przez samego autora: "W jednym tomie trzy powieści. Każda z nich mogłaby stanowić osobną książkę. Są to trzy pow...

Wielkie lato
Wielkie lato
Pierdomenico Baccalario
Cykl: Ulysses Moore, tom 18
Seria: Ulysses Moore

Kilmore Cove w Kornwalii, 1958 rok. To wyjątkowe lato dla Ulyssesa Moore’a i jego taty, którzy przyjeżdżają do Willi Argo stojącej na klifie z widokiem na morze. Czekają na nich otwarte drzwi: to zap...

Stan czwarty
6 wydań
Stan czwarty
Jeffrey Archer

?Powieść, od której nie sposób się oderwać, która trzyma czytelnika w żelaznym uścisku?. Kate Saunders, ?Sunday Express? Na pierwszy rzut oka Richard Armstrong i Keith Townsend mają ze sobą niewiele w...

Real Estate Millionaire
Real Estate Millionaire
Suzanne Gilad

Real estate guru Boaz Gilad shows how to make a million dollars investing in real estate--without needing a lot of start-up cash Even if you're new to real estate, you can use the knowledge and experi...

Real Estate Coach
Real Estate Coach
B. Sugars

From the international go-to guys in small business know-how: Your source for the strategies, skills and confidence every business owner needs to succeed. Remember what it was like learning how to rid...

Real Estate Principles
Real Estate Principles
David C. Ling, Wayne Archer

Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach by David Ling and Wayne Archer is an exciting new entry into the Principles of Real Estate market, presenting a strong focus on valuation. Value is central to ...

Real Estate Handbook
Real Estate Handbook
J. Friedman

Virtually every aspect of real estate is covered in the latest edition of this encyclopedic volume--a veritable goldmine of information for real estate agents and salespersons, for anybody buying or s...

La bella estate
La bella estate
Cesare Pavese

La bella estate è una raccolta di tre romanzi brevi scritti da Cesare Pavese in tempi diversi. La raccolta fu pubblicata dall'editore Einaudi di Torino nel 1949, nella collana "I supercoralli". Essa ...

Real Estate Investor's Checklist
Real Estate Investor's Checklist
Robert Irwin

Get the best deal every time--whether you're buying, managing, or selling Whether you're just starting out or have years of investing experience, Real Estate Investor's Checklist is the perfect tool f...

Commercial Real Estate Investing
D. De Roos

Dolf de Roos' "Commercial Real Estate Investing" reveals all the differences between residential and commercial investing and shows you how to make a bundle. De Roos explores the different sectors - r...

International Real Estate Economics
P. Tiwari

As the real estate market becomes increasingly international, it is essential to understand how specific national markets operate and relate to one another. The authors identify the similarities and d...

Investing in Real Estate
Investing in Real Estate
G. Eldred

Through its five previous editions, Investing in Real Estate has shown investors how to intelligently build wealth with their investments in houses, condominiums, and small apartment buildings. Unlike...

Law of Estate Agency
J. Murdoch

This new edition covers important developments that have occurred in the past five years since the 4th edition was published, and their effect on estate agency.Expert commentary on the legal liabiliti...

Selling Real Estate Services
Selling Real Estate Services
R. Potter

Most real estate service providers are stuck at Level-One Selling—they do little more than pitch their capabilities to prospective clients; In Level-Two Selling, real estate providers are able to posi...

Real Estate Finance & Investments
Real Estate Finance & Investments
William Brueggeman

Rigorous yet practical, Real Estate Finance and Investments has been the leading real estate finance and investments text for over 25 years, consistently setting the standard for currency and coverage...

How to Invest in Real Estate
How to Invest in Real Estate
Hubert Bromma

How you can realize the dream of tax-free real estate investment Record numbers of investors are choosing real estate as a safe alternative to the stock market. In How to Invest in Real Estate and Pay...

No-Nonsense Real Estate Investor's Kit
No-Nonsense Real Estate Investor's Kit
T. Lucier

In The No-Nonsense Real Estate Investors Kit and How to Make Money with Real Estate Options.

Dictionary of Real Estate Terms
2 wydania
Dictionary of Real Estate Terms
J. Friedman

The new edition of this best-selling dictionary has been updated to account for changes in the real estate market, including the recent subprime crisis and other financial issues. Approximately 3,000 ...

Real Estate Market Valuation & Analysis
Real Estate Market Valuation & Analysis
J. Kahr

"A fresh, insightful look at how real estate professionals actually value properties and analyze markets. The focus on different product types as well as market segments are especially useful." -- Bar...

Forecasting for Real Estate Wealth
Forecasting for Real Estate Wealth
Ed Ross

Learn how to identify the bottom of your local real estate market and understand when to buy by using the tools and tips in "Forecasting for Real Estate Wealth: Strategies for Outperforming Any Housin...

Commercial Real Estate Investment 2e
Commercial Real Estate Investment 2e
Andrew Baum

This book uniquely combines academic literature and practical experience to provide a straightforward and integrated view on global real estate investment for pension funds, other institutions and pro...

All new Real Estate Foreclosure
All new Real Estate Foreclosure
C. Carey

Home values are crashing and foreclosures are way up. You might think this is a terrible time to get into the real estate marketbut you'd be wrong! A crashing real estate market offers plenty of oppor...

Peebles Path to Real Estate Wealth
Peebles Path to Real Estate Wealth
R. Peebles

You can still find plenty of good deals in a failing real estate market by applying the advice in The Peebles Path to Real Estate Wealth: How to Make Money in Any Market. Multimillionaire teal estate ...

Confessions of a Real Estate Entrepreneur
Confessions of a Real Estate Entrepreneur
Jim Randel

Insider Secrets to Better Ventures and Bigger Returns in Commercial Real Estate If you're ready to move beyond basic buy-and-hold or fix-and-flip investing, Confessions of a Real Estate Entrepreneur i...

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