
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sobie slack", znaleziono 12

Jonathan Slack

Interdyscyplinarna seria KRÓTKIE WPROWADZENIE piórem uznanych ekspertów skupionych wokół Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego przybliża aktualną wiedzę na temat współczesnego świata i pomaga go zrozumieć. W atr...

Komórki macierzyste
Komórki macierzyste
Jonathan Slack

Interdyscyplinarna seria Krótkie wprowadzenie piórem uznanych ekspertów skupionych wokół Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego przybliża aktualną wiedzę na temat współczesnego świata i pomaga go zrozumieć. W atr...

What is Product Design'
What is Product Design'
Laura Slack

This handbook provides an essential guide to the world of industrial design. Within its pages, it explores what constitutes successful design, how it works and how product design creates a market for ...

Co robić, gdy masz za dużo do zrobienia
2 wydania
Co robić, gdy masz za dużo do zrobienia
Laura Slack

Czy jesteś już zmęczony nakłanianiem ciebie do wydajniejszej pracy – w tych samych wciąż warunkach – przez płatnych konsultantów lub, co gorsza, przez własnego szefa? Masz szczęście. Laura Stack wie, ...

Slack Getting Past Burnout Busywork & the Myth of Total Effi
T. De Marco

If your company’s goal is to become fast, responsive, and agile, more efficiency is not the answer--you need more slack.Why is it that today’s superefficient organizations are ailing? Tom DeMarco, a l...

CNET Do it yourself Digital Home Office Projects
CNET Do it yourself Digital Home Office Projects
S. Slack

Discover all you can do Today's home office is much more than a desk and a computer. Produced in conjunction with CNET.com, the place to go for the latest in tech and consumer electronics, this book o...

International Perspectives on the Management of Sport
International Perspectives on the Management of Sport
T. Slack

"International Perspectives on the Management of Sport" is the first multi-contributed book that addresses the various aspects of sport management by some of the most brilliant experts throughout the ...

Operations Strategy 2e
Operations Strategy 2e
Nigel Slack

Ideal for Advanced Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, this book builds on concepts from Strategic Management, Operations Management, Marketing and HRM to give students a comprehensive understand...

Operations Management and Quantitative Analysis
Operations Management and Quantitative Analysis
Nigel Slack

How does an organisation ...*create and deliver products at lower cost and with higher revenue? *meet the challenges posed by changes in customer preferences, internet-based technologies and global su...

Operations and Process Management
2 wydania
Operations and Process Management
Nigel Slack

Everyone manages processes . . . Everyone is an operations manager ?. . . integrates services and manufacturing operations further than has been done before in any Operations Management textbook. This...

Operations Management
3 wydania
Operations Management
Nigel Slack

For the core course in Operations Management. Operations Management Flexible Edition 8th edition delivers the best problems in the industry (ie. examples, solved problems, and homework problems). This...

Crisis and order in English Towns 1500-1700
Crisis and order in English Towns 1500-1700
Peter Clark, Paul Slack

This collection of essays in English urban history covers a period which has been called 'the Dark Ages in English Economic History', on which it directs a revealing light. The essays range from a dis...

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