
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sonka swinka", znaleziono 44

Global Housing Projects Since 1980
Global Housing Projects Since 1980
J. Mateo

Global Housing Projects Since 1980 (Architectural Papers) This is a compilation of 25 years of built projects representing architectural typologies in contemporary housing.

Plant Tissue Culture 100 years since Gottlieb Haberlandt
Plant Tissue Culture 100 years since Gottlieb Haberlandt
Margit Laimer

In 2002 the 100th anniversary of the publication on "Culturversuche mit isolierten Pflanzenzellen" by Gottlieb Haberlandt was celebrated. Haberlandt´s vision of the totipotency of plant cells represe...

Polish-Jewish Relations since 1984: Reflections of a Participant
Polish-Jewish Relations since 1984: Reflections of a Participant
Antony Polonsky

Drogi „dwóch najsmutniejszych narodów” tej ziemi rozeszły się na zawsze – podsumowywał w 1984 roku relacje polsko-żydowskie po II wojnie światowej Raphael Scharf, ubolewając nad tym, że wraz z Żydami ...

Studia Filmoznawcze. Tom 38. Contemporary Transnational Westerns: Themes and Variations since 2000
Studia Filmoznawcze. Tom 38. Contemporary Transnational Westerns: Themes and Variations since 2000

Formuła gatunkowa rozszerzała się dynamicznie już w czasach jej szczytowej popularności i ten stan trwa do dzisiaj, co świadczy o jej estetycznej atrakcyjności, wręcz fenomenalności. Do dzisiaj powsta...

Stosunki polsko żydowskie od 1984 roku Refleksje uczestnika Polish Jewish Relations since 1984 Reflections of a Participant
2 wydania
Stosunki polsko żydowskie od 1984 roku Refleksje uczestnika Polish Jewish Relations since 1984 Reflections of a Participant
Antony Polonsky

Drogi "dwóch najsmutniejszych narodów" tej ziemi rozeszły się zawsze- podsumowywał w 1984 roku relacje polsko- żydowskie po II wojnie światowej Raphael Scharf, ubolewając nad tym że wraz z Żydami, uni...

Fashion Since 1900
2 wydania
Fashion Since 1900
"Jaeger", John Peacock

Here, in more than 1250 full-colour illustrations, is the most comprehensive and detailed history and sourcebook of fashion in the modern era ever published. From the styles of the early 1900s to thos...

Comics Since 1945
Comics Since 1945
B. Wallker

Newspaper comics arrive in millions of homes each day and make families laugh out loud. They're not only funny - they also reflect their times. In this collection, cartoon authority Brian Walker has a...

Design Since 1945
Design Since 1945
Peter Dormer

'Designing' has come of age since World War II. The essential shape, form and structure of some objects in our daily lives may have been fixed many generations ago, but design and designers have now b...

Since I Saw You
Since I Saw You
Beth Kery
Cykl: Because You Are Mine, tom 4

In the “exceptionally hot” (USA Today) Because You Are Mine, Beth Kery redefined what’s possible, what’s desirable, and what’s forbidden between a man and a woman. It’s time to go further... When eni...

Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke
Eric LaRocca

A whirlpool of darkness churns at the heart of a macabre ballet between two lonely young women in an internet chat room in the early 2000s—a darkness that threatens to forever transform them once the...

Royal Navy Since 1815
Royal Navy Since 1815
E. Grove

Eric Grove provides the only up-to-date, single-authored, short history of the Royal Navy over the last two hundred years, synthesizing the new work on the subject that has radically transformed our u...

Southern Europe since 1945
Southern Europe since 1945
G. Sapelli

This text compares the historical, political and socio-economic aspects of Southern Europe. It argues that understanding the nature of the change and the specific characteristics of the area comes fro...

Italian Politics Since 1945
Italian Politics Since 1945
Martin Bull

This wide-ranging book seeks to unravel the complexities of post-1992 Italian democracy. It takes as its point of departure the dramatic political tensions of the early 1990s and evaluates these again...

Eastern Europe Since 1945
Eastern Europe Since 1945
G. Swain

The story starts with the euphoria of liberation in 1945 and the prospects offered by socialists and communists for an end to the old order. Then, as the Cold War grew in intensity, the authors examin...

United States Since 1980
United States Since 1980
D. Baker

Describes the sharp right turn the United States has taken following the election of Ronald Reagan as president in 1980. The treatment details how the policies pursued by the Reagan administration wer...

Modern Architecture Since 1900
Modern Architecture Since 1900
W. Curtis

Since its first publication in 1982, Modern Architecture Since 1900 has become established as a contemporary classic. Worldwide in scope, it combines a clear historical outline with masterly analysis ...

British Art Since 1900
British Art Since 1900
F. Spalding

'The most up-to-date survey of the field I know: a succinct fusion of information, insight and sweeping historical range that integrates both the most academic and the most avant-garde currents in a t...

World Politics Since 1945
World Politics Since 1945
P. Calvocoressi

?The most lucid, comprehensive, intelligent and reliable account of post-war modern history on the market.? Teaching Politics ?The book compels admiration for its thoroughness, its scope, the master...

Massey Anne

This revised and expanded history of interior design from the 19th-centuryArts and Crafts movement to the present day is packed with examples andanalysis of all the major styles and trends, including ...

European design since 1985
European design since 1985

Napisana przez trzech uznanych historyków publikacja jest pierwsząkrytyczną oceną europejskiego designu od co najmniej dwóch dekad.Rozpoczyna ją omówienie złożonych sił - społecznych, politycznych,eko...

EU Labour Migration since Enlargement
B. Galgóczi

One of the most important consequences of EU enlargement in May 2004 was to extend the principle of the free movement of labour to the citizens of the central and eastern European new member states. T...

Modern Indonesia History Since 1945
Modern Indonesia History Since 1945
Robert Cribb

This is an account of the history of Indonesia - the turbulent years under Sukarno followed by transformation and stability, but international withdrawal under Suharto. Indonesia is one of the most im...

Europe - Since 1914 5 vols
Europe - Since 1914 5 vols
Robin Merrin

The tumultuous recent century of Europe's history is traced in this five-volume set, which picks up the story begun in its companion set, < I>Europe 1789-1914< /I>. < P>Profiling the age of war and re...

Industries of London Since 1861
Industries of London Since 1861
Peter Hall

Hall argues that 'London was the chief manufacturing centre of the country in 1861, and without doubt for centuries before that'. This book looks at industries in London over time from 1861. This book...

European Political Thought Since 1945
European Political Thought Since 1945
Noel O'Sullivan

This book offers a critical account of the response of leading European political thinkers to the postwar task of reconstruction, the advent of totalitarianism in the USSR, and the emergence of increa...

Western Heritage Since 1300 9e
Western Heritage Since 1300 9e
Donald Kagan

A core text for introductory-level survey courses in Western Civilization and European History and Civilization. Written by leading scholars in the field, this authoritative text presents an engaging ...

Eastern Europe since 1945 4e
Eastern Europe since 1945 4e
G. Swain

Since its first appearance in 1993, Eastern Europe since 1945 has become an essential text for university students and others keen to understand the complex developments in the region over the last si...

Modern British History. Since 1900
Modern British History. Since 1900
Jeremy Black

Jeremy Black's publication is interesting, informative and thought provoking...The text represents excellent value for money and I will have no hesitation recommending it. - Alfred Regan, South Devon ...

Postwar History of Europe Since 1945
Postwar History of Europe Since 1945
T. Judt

Tracing the story of post-war Europe and its changing role in the world, this book presents history of Europe and investigates its political, social and cultural history from the wreckage of post-war ...

American Foreign Policy since World War II
2 wydania
American Foreign Policy since World War II
S. Hook

Placing the actions of U.S. political leaders and military forces in the context of long-standing patterns of behavior, Hook and Spanier discuss how the global role of the United States will define in...

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