Książka jest przeznaczona przede wszystkim dla studentów nauk społecznych oraz dla wszystkich osób, które prowadzą badania wymagające wykorzystania statystyki w analizie danych. Autorzy artykułów omaw...
Sagi o krainach Krynnu opiewają wielu nieustraszonych bohaterów, którym przeznaczono odkrywać prastare sekrety i niszczyć straszliwe zło. Ty również – jak ci wielcy herosi – staniesz u boku dzielnych ...
Sagi o krainach Krynnu opiewają wielu nieustraszonych bohaterów, którym przeznaczono odkrywać prastare sekrety i niszczyć straszliwe zło. Ty również – jak ci wielcy herosi – staniesz u boku dzielnych ...
Podręcznik prezentuje informacje niezbędne do opanowania obsługi SPSS dla Windows (wersja 11.0 i późniejsze) i analizy danych na poziomie podstawowym. Każdy rozdział opisuje główne zagadnienia analizy...
SPSS 14 Made Simple is the latest edition of one of the most popular textbooks in its field. Each statistical technique is presented in a realistic research context and, as in previous editions, is il...
Accessibly written and easy to use, Applied Statistics Using SPSS is an all-in-one self-study guide to SPSS and do-it-yourself guide to statistics. Based around the needs of undergraduate students emb...
In this thoroughly revised fourth edition of her bestselling text, Julie Pallant guides you through the entire research process, helping you choose the right data analysis technique for your project. ...
This popular companion volume gets students using actual political data, and working with a software tool that properly prepares them for future political science courses. A no-nonsense introduction t...
Using this book, the reader will quickly master statistical analysis with SPSS. Screenshots of all the steps for each statistical technique build students by the same author team.
SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 14.0 Update makes data analysis and SPSS procedures clear and accessible. Presents straightforward "step by step" instructions in each anal...
SPSS(R) 17.0: Statistical Procedures Companion contains tips, warnings, and examples that will help you take advantage of SPSS to better analyze data. This book contains a basic review of the underlyi...
The SPSS 17.0 Guide to Data Analysis is a friendly introduction to both data analysis and SPSS, the world's leading desktop statistical software package. Easy-to-understand explanations and in-depth c...
This simple, user-friendly introduction to SPSS for Windows has now been updated so that it can be used with versions 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the software. Clearly describes all the most widely use...
Now updated for SPSS 14.0, International Edition this book is an excellent supplement to any introductory statistics course. It provides a practical and useful introduction to SPSS 14.0 and enables st...
This no-nonsense book teaches you everything you need to know about the newest version of SPSS for Windows so you can effectively use the program in your statistics class. The guide's simple, straight...
Serves as a manual for SPSS use for social statistics and research methods classes. This is a guide that students could use independently in working on a research proposal, project, or paper. It also ...
Ideal as a companion to a statistics or research methods text or as a stand-alone guide, Using SPSS for Social Statistics and Research Methods shows readers how to use SPSS software in statistical dat...