Care of spinal conditions has become increasingly complex and confusing. Classification systems can help in understanding the subject matter at hand, but have exploded in numbers and complexity. Attem...
Życzenia na dobranoc:W środku znajdziesz piękną książkę z magicznym opowiadaniem oraz zestaw kart do gry z wizerunkami bohaterów bajki
Baw się, czytaj i buduj z Shimer i Shine!W środku:- kolorowanki, labrynty i zagadki- książeczka do samodzielnego złożenia,- plansz i postaci, dzięki którym można stworzyć pałac dżinów
Publikacja oparta na licencji bajki emitowanej na popularnym kanale dla dzieci - Nickelodeon. Opowiada o przygodach dwóch sióstr, które są sympatycznymi i wielkodusznymi dżinkami. Ich perypetie pomogą...
Magazyn o siostrach bliźniaczkach - dżinnach Shimmer i Shine - przyjacielskich bohaterkach popularnego serialu animowanego dla dzieci, które są zawsze gotowe, by pomóc innym w potrzebie. Siostry mają ...
Part of the brand-new Expert Differential Diagnoses series, this unique print-and-electronic reference will guide radiologists toward logical, on-target differential diagnoses based on key imaging fin...
Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Spine provides a concise review of the current surgical interventions and medical treatments for patients with traumatic spine injuries. Experts in the fields of n...
The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is used in many applications by the scientific, engineering and research communities and in data compression in particular. Fast algorithms and applications of the ...
Established as the leading textbook on imaging diagnosis of brain and spine disorders, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine is now in its Fourth Edition. This thoroughly updated two-volum...
This volume focuses on Ibn Sina - the Avicenna of the Latin West - and the enormous impact of his philosophy in both the Islamic and Christian worlds. Jules Janssens opens with a new introductory arti...
All the best cleaning tips to shine your sink and soothe your soul. Discover how to transform your home. Cleaning doesn't have to be that job you dread. Not when Mrs Hinch is here to show you h...